All colleges are different, but walking around, no matter what college you go to you'll always see specific types of students. You might be friends with them or even one of them!
1. Iron Man: The Rich Frat Boy
He is filthy rich and parties everyday, comes back with a different car every time he goes home.
2. Captain America : The "Perfect" Citizen
Knows everything in the news before any else, he's very involved in politics and foreign affairs.
3. The Hulk: The Invisible Kid
The only place you can find him is in his dorm, and only comes out for classes when there's an exam.
4. Thor: The Athlete
He's the football quarterback, you can always find him in the gym.
5. Captain Marvel: The Transfer Student
The transfer student that's already involved in every club and is also an athlete.
6. Spider-Man: The Early College Kid
Skipped his last two years of high school, comes to class and already knows more than you.
7. Black Panther: Class President
Everybody knows him, he was voted president for all four years and he's always there to help.
8. Black Widow: The Engineer Major
The fit girl in the engineering department that party's but also manages to get all A's.
9. Scarlet Witch and Vision: The Married Couple
They started to date in high school and decided to attend the same college...and get married.