Whether it's in your near future or farther away, marry someone that...
Holds you close, no matter what.
Let's you dance around your kitchen in the morning while you're making eggs and coffee, and pretends not to watch you.
Is good at waking up in the morning if you're not; one of you has to get you both out of bed.
Is down to leave at 3 a.m. and go on an adventure.
Isn't afraid of hard work.
Loves you unconditionally.
Knows you sing really off key and they sing even more off key than you, but you both still sing together anyways even though you sound like a couple of dying whales.
Has the same political views as you, that's something you shouldn't argue on.
Has the same religious values as you, again that's something you can't argue on, especially when kids are involved.
Laughs with you when they find you eating spaghetti at 1 a.m. on the kitchen floor.
Is hurt when you didn't wake them up to enjoy that spaghetti.
Watches the news with you so that you can talk about current events together.
Supports you being the last boss you are.
Likes the same sports teams as you.
Doesn't like the same sports teams as you, a little healthy competition is always fun.
Knows not to let you hold the food because they know you're too clumsy.
Helps you out around the house.
Let's you but a trampoline on the whim because why not?
Supports your love of parties.... birthdays, sports, New Years, them all.
Let's you have alone time.
Thinks it's cute when you eat a whole pizza by yourself.
Always tells you the truth, even when you look fat in that dress you ask about.
Loves you unconditionally.
Loves your family unconditionally.
Will make brownies with you really late at night just because.
Supports you always.
Basically, marry someone that is your best friend because at the end of the day, they will always have your back.