When you find something you love, you hold on to it.
The first time I met this girl, I was little. The oldest memory I have with her was with my grandparents, hiking in the Adirondacks of Upstate New York, up by Lake George. Since then, she has been a part of my life, mainly, being my main love. Weird, my grandparents hooked us up. Anyways, many of you know her. She’s beautiful, cruel, smart, sassy, rugged, strong, uplifting, the list goes on and on. She’s also known by many names; mom, mother, sometimes I call her my boo thang, but I guess properly, she’s known as nature.
In high school, it used to be about getting out, away from the parents, and simply finding a spot to go and well, to be honest, smoke some weed, right brah? The rebellious aspect of strolling off the beaten path and lighting up in the most peaceful of places enticed me and my friends to a point of no return. We were hooked; we enjoyed her together. Almost every other day we would hit up any local park, trail or just simply sneak out at night into the woods. It was our therapy, our fun, our way of getting out and away. As I grew out of my rebellious phase, I realized that, well, nature and I have been together from the beginning, and I think it’s more than a fling this time.
Nowadays, my love for nature has matured. I’ve found a love for going out and enjoying spending time with her. Taking her on nice, beautiful dates. Sunset walks, kayaking trips, swimming with her, hiking her trails, climbing her rocks, having bonfires with her, you get the gist. What we really connect with, is hiking. When I’m out there with her, everything is easy. No stress of work or school; it all works out. The trail, simply put, is the best therapy anyone could ask for. I can’t go to a gym and simply pump some iron out and think that whatever problem I’m dealing with will simply go away. But, I can, however, take a walk, take a hike and just live on the trail, surrounded by everything I need: my mind and my body.
She’s simple, and doesn’t need to be impressed. And most of all, she does’t get jealous. She can hang around my bros and can even third wheel if I’m on a date. That’s the best thing about her: You can enjoy actual conversations with people when you’re out there with her. She’s possibly the best party host I’ve ever met. Everyone enjoys her, and she simply doesn’t even try. It’s fantastic. The most important thing about nature is, well, she’s old but dang, she will always be the prettiest girl around, and you should always have that in the back of your head. I've been loyal to her since birth, we all have, actually, to one degree or another.
Simply put, she’s my best friend, and well, she should be your best friend, too.