Growing up I had "boyfriends".
I had friends, that were boys, who I crushed on while the feelings were mutual. However, I did not date these boys. I didn't go out to eat with them nor did I kiss them or have any kind of relationship with them other than calling them my "boyfriend".
I went to my senior prom with one of my friends while my two best friends took their boyfriends- whom they had actual been in serious relationships with at the time.
I watched my little sister go out on super sweet dates with her boyfriend who genuinely cherished her.
Everyone around me had been dating or had been in a serious relationship and I semi wanted to know what that felt like, but I was such an incredibly awkward person and knew that I wasn't ready.
When I met my now husband I thought he was the most beautiful person that I had ever seen. He was tall and had the most beautiful dark eyes, hair, and tan skin. I honestly never would have imagined that God would bless me with Him and that He was who I was being prepared for.
Y'all- God is good and He is faithful.
Four years later we got married and it was the most beautifully awkward wedding ever, but perfect in every way.
Several weeks before the wedding I began to panic a little bit.
I knew I was so in love with this person, but at the same time I began to question what love was and if I could possibly know what that meant since I had never dated before. I asked my best friends if the feelings of uncertainty were normal.
I was getting married in a matter of weeks and I couldn't understand my feelings.
I struggled with the fact that neither him nor I had ever dated anyone before and if that would affect us later on.
I don't believe that there is just one person, a soul mate, meant for you. I believe wholeheartedly that we are capable of being compatible with multiple people. However, I do feel that God does set that one person apart and prepares them for you. When you meet that person you just know that is who you are supposed to be with and nobody else honestly mattered.
When I thought about that and about him I knew that no one else mattered. I knew deep down that he was the one and that God had planned us for each other. Everything I would learn about relationships, about marriage, and love, I would learn together with him.
So no, I don't regret not dating anyone else. I don't regret missing out on high school romances or dating around just to see what's out there. I'm not against it, but it just wasn't meant for me.
Christ knew that my husband was the one for me. He knew that I needed my love story to pan out the way that it did, which is why His plans are always greater than my own.
My husband is the most encouraging, uplifting, and annoyingly sarcastic person that I have ever met, and everyday we learn something new together.
Today I learned that he can handle the stresses of buying a house while studying for two incredibly different classes in such a calm manner while still being compassionate to my ridiculous fits.