The comedy sitcom The King of Queens is based around a married working class couple, Doug and Carrie Heffernan that still keep viewers laughing. The show sadly ended in May of 2004 but was thankfully picked up by TBS for reruns every weeknight.
My husband and I will watch King of Queens every night before bed and find ourselves laughing at the similarities our relationship shared with theirs. Maybe other couples don't relate to the lives of Doug and Carrie but we definitely feel it is the most relatable depiction of marriage that has ever been portrayed on TV and here are some reasons how:
When your husband isn't afraid to let you know how crazy you are
When your husband only cares about the simple things in life
When your husband says he would rather stay in then go to the game
When your husband shows his true appreciation for you...
When you need your husbands honest advice that is going to set him up for failure
When you have to take one for the team
When your husband's guy friends convince him to stick up for himself when they want him to go out.
When you see each other at their low points
When you come home from work to rant about your day
When your husband saying something stupid
When only YOU are allowed to make fun of your spouse
When your husband has to deal with your emotional days
But at the end of every day you're a team