I am very young and inexperienced in terms of relationships and romance. In fact, I don't fancy myself as a romantic, nor do I believe in the constant search for "the one". Although I am still learning how to develop healthy relationships with others, and while I may still be naive in such matters, I am a strong believer in simple mutualistic connections between individuals with no strings attached. Many people marry for the aspect of religion, procreating, and even tax reasons. I would like to say I am religious and I believe in the Gospel that advocates for marriage and reproduction. However, I feel that if two people love each other, it is not necessary to "get hitched."
Marriage has become a well-encouraged social construct in our society; it has also been corrupted by the bureaucracy that deeply embeds itself into our lives. It is said that marriage is a symbol of love and devotion, but it is a process that has been worn out by legal technicalities. Among my generation, I've met a surplus of kids whose parents are divorced; this is where possessions and laws come into a concept that is supposed to be free of all material. Sometimes people mistake infatuation for love which results in the abrupt engagement of a couple. Then, when these people discover they weren't actually in love to begin with, the situation becomes emotionally and legally complicated. If marriage is so "symbolic" then why require a contract to glue everything together and rework the way taxes are distributed? There should be no other incentive for marriage than being with the person you've always dreamed you'd spend your life with.
Serious relationships can work at the same degree of marriage. I may not know much about relationships, but is there anyone who really does? All connections are subjective to the individuals involved. There is no right or wrong way to have a relationship, and there is no requirement to get married. If two people are absolutely, positively in love with one another, then it is inevitable that a level of trust will be implemented and there is no need to overcomplicate everything. Love is often overcomplicated among humanity but it is the most universal and simple language of the world. I don't see why those that love each other should be forced into a deeper relationship that might make them unhappier in the end. Just let people have whatever connection they choose, whether it be a platonic relationship or a healthy marriage.
That being said, I don't condemn marriage at all. If it will work for you then go for it, but don't let society's norms influence you to make unwanted decisions. My point is about the pressure we put on our peers to marry one another, and how it is not always the right step for relationships. I also hope that couples will disregard all materialistic and legal aspects of the marriage process. The only reason for marriage should be if there is a mutual, unrelenting love.
While I still have an entire life to live, I do not have the strong desire to find myself a partner to be with for all of eternity. My own life priorities are to be happy and satisfied with myself and to make all the choices I can for myself. I do not like being constantly brooded over and am strictly independent with many platonic connections over romantic ones. As I am starting college, I am realizing how desperately I want to achieve my goals and could never possibly let infatuation distract me from my motives. Despite that, I am not completely cautious of love. I live with an open heart and compassion for others, while still letting my mind be in control.
This is not an article meant to nag anyone who is searching for the "right one", but it is mostly for myself, as I embark on my endeavors in becoming a successful human being. Nevertheless, I hope I can reach out to those who have been struggling in an unhealthy relationship, or simply those who feel alone due to their lack of desire for marriage. It is okay if marriage is not what your life requires.