My husband and I were tempted to move in together in the beginning of our relationship, but we knew God couldn't help us reach our full potential as a couple or our Christian lives individually if we did. So we made the decision to let God purify our relationship by repenting and opening our hearts to him. I moved in with my grandparents to prevent anything further. Because we had already been impure before, the road was bumpy but we made it. We had to ultimately let God lead and hold each other up. Every decision we've made together has been to please God and He has made our road through life together so much smoother than it would have been. If we would have done what satisfies our worldly desires rather than our lord and savior, then there's no telling the road we would have had to take to be where we are today.
If you are living in an impure relationship which does not please God and if you think you're blessed now, then you're blinded by what could be. Consider the blessings that God can't give you because you are holding yourself back. He will not let you fall on your face. He will forgive you and never leave you. God loves you and wants the best for us. Just put your trust in him because it's easier than you think. It's easier than the world has tried to convince you otherwise. Don't be afraid of what your peers think. Love them but be an example. They will either follow suit or disappear from your life but they'll never stop watching you. Make God happy and you will be happy, too.
Marriage isn't a lifestyle. It's a choice. You can't live together and say you know what marriage is like. There's a trend in today's society that chooses to live together because it's convenient. Let me tell you, marriage isn't something that you test out or role play. There's endless amounts of options out there. You just have to be willing. Marriage is a promise to God more so than your spouse. A promise that you both choose to put him first before each other. You put God first and He will show you how to love your spouse. Marriage is a unity between God, man, and wife. You share a last name legally, you claim your finances in one bank account, you share everything. The bed is meant for a man and his wife. Marriage is holy matrimony! When your married God opens the door for spiritual growth like you could have never imagined before. It's so sacred. It's not to be cheated and claimed as a lifestyle.
Living together doesn't even touch what marriage is like. Please don't make a mockery of it. It breaks my heart to watch; it breaks God's heart. He created marriage as a gift, a gift he gives to those who put him first. Once you have it, you have a responsibility to take care of it. Put him first and he'll give you that gift. Once you open it, you'll never be the same.