1. Donut Plains
Cause Donuts are life, Hurts is life. And we all want donuts at all hours of the days. The craving never ends. Plus when your city has about 100000 different donut shops you are always distracted by them.
2. Cheep Cheep Beach
Cause we all want to go to on a LAVISH, EXTREME, FANCY Springbreak... But we can't... It's the struggling between going somewhere cool and not eating for a week or going home and hanging with the fam for free.
3. Cheese Land
Cheese fries, cheese curds, cheese pizza, we want it all!!!! I literally crave cheese some days and you'd be lying if you said this has never happened to you.
4. Music Park
You mean all the summer concerts that we can't afford to go to... Lol looks like pool parties will have to do. Don't forget to text your Mom and ask her to get the good stereo out.
5. Frappe Snowland
Catch me falling outside... Every time I try to walk to class in this horrendous thing called snow or ice. Also don't even get me started on how I feel about driving in it.
6. Waluigi Stadium
Tailgate Season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Football, Baseball, Basketball, Lacrosse, you name it and we'll be there.
7. Ghost Valley
ie. The dorms during finals, or spring break or really any break tbh
8. Shy Guy Falls
I think we should take some time and appreciate the shy guys that are cute and nerdy. Don't let the nice guy finish last.
9. Coconut Mall
Shopping, SHOPPING, SHOPPING!!!!!!! Spending all the money... when our parents come to town cause we know we are broke.
10. Rainbow Road
This is the drive home at the end of the semester, it's hard to leave your friends, but so rewarding to know you finished.