7. If you forget to eat a meal before drinking, RIP | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons Marijuana Is Better Than Alcohol

10. It's ~usually~ easier for me to function while stoned than it is to function while drunk.

10 Reasons Marijuana Is Better Than Alcohol

In states with recreational marijuana, it's a tough choice for those turning 21. Which should I experience first? Personally, since being 21, I've already lost my interest in drinking. Maybe it's just the traumatic drinking and driving car accident I was involved in because of my friend, but drinking has started to lose the appeal for me almost entirely. I've been way more of a stoner recently than a drinker and this is why.

1. There's no hangover after smoking weed


Everyone who has had a hangover KNOWS they're the worst. You wake up and your head is pounding and you can literally feel how dehydrated you are. Not a fun time.

2. I've never gotten sick from weed, but alcohol had made me throw up more times than I'd like to admit


I absolutely detest when I can feel my drunk self getting too drunk. I can literally feel the need to puke and then I know the rest of the night is going to be a rough one.

3. One of the worst things that can happen from being too stoned is getting super sleepy


This can be a major worst case scenario if you're at a party. It's time to go home and go snooze, my friend.

4. Being too stoned can make way for some mild hallucinations


Hallucinations are pretty wild, but they're usually kind of fun as long as you don't let yourself get too freaked out by them.

5. On the other side, being too drunk can make you feel like the entire room is spinning


This is one of the worst feelings because the only thing that can stop it is to lie on the ground and hope that you're not about to throw up.

6. Marijuana smells way better than alcohol tastes


Some alcohol tastes straight up nasty and I can't even handle it.

7. If you forget to eat a meal before drinking, RIP


Eating a properly balanced meal is ESSENTIAL for surviving a night out. I try to eat a meal containing bread because it's known for absorbing alcohol easily.

8. My tolerance for alcohol is much lower than my tolerance for weed


This is mostly because I always forget to eat a meal before I go out drinking which is the WORST decision. But I can still smoke more weed (and have more fun doing it) than I can ever drink.

9. Knowing your limits with alcohol is ESSENTIAL, but with weed, it's harder to overdo it


It's taken me quite a while to learn my limits with alcohol, but with weed it never was that big of a deal. Smoking too much and drinking too much are COMPLETELY different. First of all, you can literally DIE when you drink too much. Second of all, you can't literally die when you smoke too much (that I know of).

10. It's ~usually~ easier for me to function stoned than it is to function while drunk


Drunk me has very little social conduct and doesn't give a F*CK in comparison to stoned me. Stoned me just wants to do my own thing and not bother anyone else.

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