With Christmas on the horizon, it's now officially christmas carol season. This essentially means I'll be playing a medley of Justin Bieber's Christmas Album and Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas is You' for about 3 weeks. With that being said, in more recent years our girl Mimi gets most of her attention around christmas time due to the popularity of the song and of course, the infamous voice crack of her live performance of it. I don't want to sound like I'm throwing shade at Ms. Carey, this article is actually about how underrated I think she is.
To start, I don't think there's anyone in Hollywood funnier than Mariah Carey. I mean seriously, she throws so much shade all the time and you can't help but laugh. During an interview, when asked about fellow star Jennifer Lopez, Mimi simply replied: "I don't know her." That is straight up iconic. Like who says that? Mariah Carey says that, and she's the only one who can get away with it. Not to mention there is no one on this planet more extra than her. I have found multiple articles that can back up this point. For example, according to a Cosmopolitan article written about her 'Diva Moments', her twins were born to the live performance to the song 'Fantasy', off her 1995 album, 'Daydream', so they would be born to "not only a Mariah Carey song," but "so they came out to a round of applause" (Cosmopolitan). As I listen to 'Fantasy', and Mariah's other hits from the mid-90's for inspiration, I can't help but respect the power move honestly. Where a naive mind would laugh at this, people that truly understand the diva know to expect nothing less.
You can't think of the 1990's without thinking of Mimi and her butterfly accessories. To this day, there's a Mariah Carey meme for every mood there is. She is a trailblazer for self-love, as there's no one out there that loves Mariah Carey more than Mariah Carey does. It's time to give this icon the attention she deserves all year instead of around christmas time, "All I Want For Christmas Is You' is a classic though. We all find ourselves having a Mariah Carey "moment" from time-to-time, I mean do you NOT wear a Juicy Sweatsuit and big sunglasses when you're trying to hide from paparazzi? She has done it all, and Mimi needs the respect she rightfully deserves. It's safe to say that Mariah Carey is an extremely-underrated American icon, "dahhhhling".