I love the entire year. Well, for the most part. I'm not a big fan of Winter, but even then, every month has something that's pretty great. November? Thanksgiving. December? Winter Holidays. January? New Year's. February? Valentine's and Single Awareness Day. May? Existential dread during finals. But for me, March has always been my favorite month of the year, and for good reason.
I'll admit, I'm a bit biased--after all, one of the larger reasons that I like March is that my birthday is on March 20th. So, yeah, there's that. But, you know what else March has? The beginning of Spring. Which, coincidentally, is also my birthday (the Vernal Equinox). So, that's pretty cool! The beginning of Spring is always a bonus, if I do say so myself. (My birthday bias aside.) Also, it seems as if my birthday is Alien Abduction Day. Which is also pretty... interesting. Fun fact!
The flowers begin to bloom, allergies begin to flare up, and the weather can't decide whether it wants to rain, snow, or be unseasonably warm. (Gotta love that Cleveland weather.) But, hey, at least it's no longer ungodly cold (as often), and the sun's been staying out longer. The small victories. To that effect, Daylight Savings is this month as well--March 12, to be specific. We may lose an hour of sleep, but that extra hour of sunlight is definitely worth it!
March also has St. Patrick's Day, which is a pretty big deal where I'm from (near Cleveland). Though I'm not Jewish, Purim is also happening--so, happy Purim to all who celebrate it! In Japan there's White Day, and Pi Day is the same day as well!
For this year, not only is Beauty and the Beast being released in live-action, but the Nintendo Switch is being released as well. And, hey, it's Women's History month! So, that's pretty awesome as well.
Most of all, the crowning point of March, the point that everyone is waiting for with baited breath, is Spring Break! At least, for my college. But, in general, Spring Break is in March. Or, as I like to call it, "that moment after your midterms when you can finally function like a normal human being again". It is worth marching through March just to get to that break. I can almost taste it. (I say, as I am basically drowning in my midterms at the moment.)
Still, that aside, March is a pretty great month overall, my personal opinions aside. There are lots of holidays, the year is beginning to shift toward Spring, and all in all, don't forget that March is a month of wonderful holidays and events. So, as March goes on, march through it with that in mind. It will make your month all the more fun!