Despite political preference, it cannot be argued how important equal rights are. The Women's March on January 21st, 2017 will definitely be remembered. People marched not only in Washington but all over the country, and world, in major cities to pronounce the equal rights we all deserve. While I did not get the chance to go, I really enjoyed living vicariously though everyone and feeling connected to the movement through social media. With such advanced technology, movements such as the Women's March are able to be more inclusive and everyone can feel connected, physically present or not. Here are some of the best signs i've seen on social media.
Harry Potter, a political reference in itself, is a great universal way to connect people into the movement.
Emma Watson, who played Hermione in the HP movies, was seen in the crowd. She works with the UN and speaks out for women's rights and is an incredible role model to so many women.
The hot pink hats everyone is wearing with the pointed ends are supposed to symbolize cats. They are mocking the ever-talked about line by Donald Trump that he spit out in 2005 on tape, "and when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything". A cleaver idea to help the crowd stand out even more, the Pussy Hat Project is an activist knitting program.
You would think we have had equality down for quite some time now...
But no. Apparently it is still 1960 and we are forever stuck in a broken soundtrack from the movie "Hairspray."
I don't know about you, but I like totally would not allow him to sit at my lunch table.. in the burn book he goes! #meangirlsThere were so many ages at the protest. Children, millennials, parents, and grandparents. The protest showed that you don't have to be old to understand the concept of equality. Honestly, it is quite simple to grasp.
In fact, you don't even need to know how to read or write to care about something so important. This silly little picture has gone viral!
Shoutout to the creative artists out there.Shoutout to the College students.
Above shown is from the march that happened in Philly simultaneously. Tons of college students in the Philly area came to march together.
If you made it to any kind if march on Saturday, you truly were part of something incredible. How blessed are we to live in a country where we can actively speak out for what we believe in?