There comes a point in the semester where we just feel done. This usually happens around the mid point of the semester, right before finals... it means that we will need to whip ourselves into shape and we will need to do so fast! But don't fret because we are all in this together. We will make it through until the end.
We may be sleep deprived and hungry, or we may be living in the library working on projects that are due in an hour... but we're all in this together. Here are some common signs if you have been touched with the mid-semester plague:
1. You have said these words "due tomorrow - do tomorrow."
2. You have begun to calculate your grades to see how many points you need to pass.
3. Your motivation is extremely non-existent.
4. You have worn clothes twice in a row because your M/W/F class friends are different than your T/R friends and they won't know the difference.
5. Waking up and getting out of bed in the morning has become one of the biggest accomplishments of your day.
6. You question your sanity on a regular basis.
7. Your messy desk represents your messy life.
8. You have watched an entire season (or more) of Netflix in one week.
9. You know that you can't make it through the week without a nap.
10. You have said this sentence, "I won't go to class if you won't," to your friends.
11. You have a countdown until summer break.
12. You have officially become a pro at procrastination.
Good luck out there fam.