March For Our Lives Was For More Than Just Guns, It Was For Hope | The Odyssey Online
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March For Our Lives Was For More Than Just Guns, It Was For Hope

"If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, you must be the one to write it." -Toni Morrison

March For Our Lives Was For More Than Just Guns, It Was For Hope

"If only my uterus could shoot bullets, then it wouldn't need regulation." -Bethanie Byrnes

This week's March for Our Lives event has left an impact on this nation. There's no telling how long that impact will last, but I know one thing for sure -- there's so much us as women have to look forward to. I don't just write for myself, but others as well. The march was an event of empowerment for all women, especially women of color.

There's a video going around all the major news sources of a little girl, her name is Naomi Wadler. She's an 11 year old fifth grader in Alexandria, Virginia. She led her elementary's school walkout, and protested for 18 minutes. 17 for those who lost their lives in the Parkland shooting, and an extra minute for Courtlin Arrington.

I gathered a few hopes from Naomi's speech that lasted about three and a half minutes in front of thousands of supporters (Wow, that's impressive!!!).

Here they are:

First off, young Naomi gives me hope about the coming generations. This eloquent, intelligent, young lady is only eleven years old and she can rally, speak, and stand up for something that I feel as if I would never have the courage to do. Her words and her knowledge go beyond the normal level of thinking. She's educated well beyond her age.

Not all younger kids are eating Tide Pods, watching racially insensitive Youtube videos, or being brainwashed by the "fake news" media, and thinking that it's okay.

Secondly, women are fighting for representation. We're working together for a better future. Just because we were "granted" equal rights does not mean we are treated equally. I will admit that I am a privileged white woman. I wish I wasn't, but because I understand I am privileged I will use this voice to proclaim the issues and needs of those who cannot be heard. It's not the same though. I am not a woman of color, therefore I will never be able to understand what these women go through on a daily basis.

But Naomi Wadler does. At eleven years old she sees the alarmingly disproportionate numbers, and she's making the front page by talking about those numbers. She gives a voice to those that don't get one.

Finally, there's a hope for our future. People young and old are calling for a change, not just for gun control but for everything. People of color are calling every day for representation (Check out what went on during the University of Texas' student government elections.) Women are calling for reproductive rights. Children are calling for safety in schools, and gun control. This nation is fighting. Democracy isn't dead.

Thank you to incredible young women like Naomi Wadler and Emma Gonzalez. I'm going to get my megaphone now and fight for reproductive rights, safety in schools, equal pay, and a new president. Heck, I'm going to fight for everything now because these young ladies gave me the confidence to fight for what is right even when society thinks it is wrong.

If you haven't seen Naomi's powerful speech, or Emma's they're linked into this article. Happy watching.(:

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