It's that dreary time of year again: March. Out of all twelve months, March is just a drag. Sure, there's Spring break but in the real world, there is no Spring break. Here are twelve reasons why March is the absolute worst month:
1. The weather.
One day it feels like Spring, and the next we are getting a foot of snow. Come on March, we've all had enough Winter! Make up your mind!
2. It's too long.
Thirty-one days makes for an extremely long month when you just want to be done with school already.
3. Everyone is burned out.
Spring break was just a tease, now everyone is just unmotivated and exhausted. And in the real world, there is not even a Spring Break that allows you to recharge a little!
4. People are still getting sick all the time.
Most of our immune systems are trashed by this point and we have all been sick way too many times. Just when you think you are finally out of the woods, that March cold hits you like a thousand bricks. The flu and other worse things are still going around too! You're probably out of sick days or excused absences for class by now too which only adds to the stress of being sick.
5. Everyone is broke.
That money you saved from Winter break and the holidays is long gone and now you are barely scraping by (unless you eventually get a decent tax return).
6. "Cuffing season" is officially over.
Those happy relationships people had during the holidays are coming to an end and people are bitter about it. Be understanding with your friends during this difficult time if they have recently been dumped.
7. There is nothing to look forward to.
Summer is still months away and Spring seems to be here one day and gone the next. School seems never-ending too. Sure, there is St. Patrick's Day and Easter coming up but those are not everyone's cup of tea (and Easter may not be until late April sometimes). You're ready for Summer and you probably miss the holiday season as well. This in-between time is the worst.
8. With the arrival of Spring comes seasonal allergies.
All of the allergy sufferers out there know what I'm talking about. Spring is great and all but your allergies are about to make your life miserable again. Then there's the fun game of figuring out if you are sick or if it is just your allergies that are bothering you!
9. You're ready to throw your Winter coat out the window but you can't.
The stores are all selling bathing suits, sundresses, and warm weather clothes but you can't wear any of it yet because it is thirty degrees outside and snowing still!
10. It's an expensive time of year
You may still be a little broke from your holiday shopping or you just blew through the money you had saved up from Winter break. However, March does not care. It is formal season, graduation season, brunch season, etc. Paying for a formal dress or your cap and gown when you have no money is really fun. When you want to go to a nice brunch with your friends but know that you can either do that or not eat for a week, it becomes frustrating.
11. It's time to lock down that Summer job, find a "big girl" job, or enroll in grad school.
All of those things are frightening. Trying to lock down a job before graduation is a stressful and tough task. Or, maybe you are going to graduate school and that brings on even more financial stress. Even if you still have another couple years left of college, you have to secure a Summer job so you won't be totally poor next year.
12. It's time to register for next semester's classes!
It is time to plan out your schedule which is extremely time consuming and stressful. May the odds be in your favor!