Before entering college, most of us thought that dealing with acne would be a thing of the past. However, many students still suffer from acne in their college years. Furthermore, most people who suffer from acne tend to breakout in the same area time and time again. According to recent studies, skin care professionals have began to utilize a face mapping method, which focuses on major facial zones and acne breakouts. Face mapping links these common acne breakout zones to what is going on inside the body. So, if you want to break away from break outs, please consider the following common acne areas and their causes.
1. Forehead
According to skin care professionals, breakouts in
the forehead area can often be caused by toxin build up, typically related to
lack of water. So, the solution here is easy. Drink more water and maintain a
healthy diet to reduce forehead breakouts. Also, even though this is nearly
impossible as a college student, try to reduce caffeine intake. Furthermore, if
the acne breakout is near the hairline of your forehead, it may be caused by
the shampoo you use. Be sure to switch shampoos if you have frequent hairline
acne. Also, avoid wearing hats for long periods of time, because this can
irritate skin and clog pores.
2. Chin Breakouts
There are two reasons why people may have acne breakouts in the chin area. First, greasy foods may be the culprit. According to dermatologists, the oils in these types of foods can make quite a mess on your face while eating. So after eating that greasy burger, be sure to wipe your face clean in order to avoid buildup in this area. Second, women may specifically have chin breakouts near menstruation. This area is related to your hormones, so any hormonal imbalance may cause breakouts in this facial zone.
3. Neck and Chest Breakouts
Breakouts in the neck and chest area are often caused by
irritation from clothing, perfume or body spray. Also, breakouts in these
areas may be caused by the type of shampoo or body wash you use. Dermatologists
recommend that you avoid shampoos and body wash with strong fragrances and
dyes. Also, always shower after exercising because sweat may clog your
pores and cause acne. Furthermore, for the chest area specifically, be
sure to wear loose fitting clothing often so that your skin can breath
throughout the day.
4. Cheek Breakouts
There are various reasons as to why you might be breaking
out in the cheek area. One reason may actually be caused by your mobile phone.
Many people fail to realize the amount of dirt and germs on their mobile phone,
and press it against their face multiple times a day. So, it may be beneficial
to wipe down your mobile phone with an antibacterial wipe as often as possible
to avoid breakouts. Your pillowcase may be another culprit of cheek area
breakouts. Make sure to change your pillow case at least once a week to avoid
These tips may be helpful to improve skin and reduce breakouts. However, if you experience severe issues with acne and pimples, please consult a dermatologist. Although these tips are not a guaranteed solution, it is helpful to know possible causes of your acne and how to achieve the clear skin you need and deserve.