Most people are fond of dogs, I am not. When one is around I get tense and would rather not be in that situation, but I have a basis for this fear. From early childhood, I have had my fair share of run-ins with dogs and the outcome was me running away or getting chased. "He's nice, he's never bit anybody", I can't count the number of times I have heard this statement. Should I not be fearful of a pit bull biting my ankle? I suppose not if the owner has trained their dog correctly but most of the time that is not the case. My dislike of dogs has transformed recently however into indifference and acceptance.
I can remember my first encounter with a dog, I was 5 years old and the dog was the size of a football. This did not stop me from freaking out and running behind my mom for cover as the dog ran up on me licking me until I was almost in tears. Call me a wuss and I'd agree what could have a wiener dog puppy have done to me other than nibble on my shoelaces. This was only the beginning and was nowhere near the end of these encounters. During a winter camp when I was 12 I'd get chased down a snowy road by a black lab. I believed my life was in danger although the dog was just trying to play with the tennis ball in my hand.
You might be reading this and wonder when is there going to be a "bad" experience. These were traumatizing instances at the moment but laughable now in retrospect, but they are not the only stories. Recently I got bitten which could have bolstered my dislike of dogs but I gave them another chance. The dog that bit me is now fond of me even though I am worrisome whenever I'm around it.
As time has progressed I have become more open to dogs. Puppies have always been a safe alternative because they usually do not attack you with more than a couple licks to the cheek. Being around them more often and becoming comfortable with being around them has helped me. The realization that not all dogs want to chew my leg up for lunch has changed my perception and appreciation for each new dog I meet. Do I want a dog? No. Do I believe they are a great companion and can relieve stress? Yes. In time I may change my mind but if you are struggling with a fear of dogs I understand. Once you overcome the fear you can enjoy them and realize what they have to offer.