Why Real Men Cry | The Odyssey Online
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Why Real Men Cry

"A righteous man owns up to his defaults. That is the difference between a boy and a man."

Why Real Men Cry
Good Men Project

Warning to all the readers out there: Many of you might not agree with the topics I'll be discussing, many of you will feel uncomfortable, many of you will jump to the conclusion to where you think I'm simple and young and naive. What do I know, right? Honestly, I do not know much. But, I feel as if I know enoughto write an article on what it truly means to "man up."

This article isn't specifically to reach men, but also women and letting them be aware that our strength is not a measure based on the stereotypical masculinity. We have feelings, too. All of us. Even if we don't care to admit it.

Let me first add, I searched on google images "men crying" and a good handful of them were of President Obama. Let that sink in for a second.

This past week I discovered a researcher-storyteller who I absolutely fell in love with, Brene Brown.

To begin this article, let me quote something she said that really stuck with me;

"Most people believe vulnerability is weakness. But really, vulnerability is courage. We must ask ourselves... are we willing to show up and be seen?" - Brene Brown

The topic of research Dr. Brown did over vulnerability completely shifted my thought process. I never realized just how much human beings refuse to be vulnerable. I never realized how much we all try to shut things down and go with the motions because it's easier.

We say, "I can't deal with that right now". We walk away, put the problem elsewhere, and it all builds up.

Women and men have a huge issue with this. From a man's perspective, I realized I too had an issue with vulnerability. Most men do have a serious issue making themselves seen. As a man, we are looked at and measured by how strong we are. Not just physically but mentally. It's almost considered shameful and uncalled for a man to make himself seen, express his emotions, and be his real authentic self.

Why is that? I ask.

Yes, women do typically cry more than men. This is a fact. Does this mean it is completely out of the norm for a man to show emotion? Absolutely not.

I heard in a podcast of a current business owner telling a story of how he was having to let go some of his clients. These clients have worked with the company for 15-plus years and he was upset about it. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) walks into his manager's office and sees him weeping over some paper worker. He says to his manager, "C'mon man. Are you really that upset about this? Man up."

The manager looks at the CFO and replies, "If I can't sit here and be upset that I am letting go of clients who have been here since this company started, clients who's children's graduation ceremonies I have been to, families weddings, funerals, Christmas parties, then maybe I"M not right for this company and you need to get the f*** out of my office."

A prime example of being a "man."

The sad about that is many "men" will not understand that. They are ignorant to express how they feel. They would rather shut it off and have a beer. Believe me, I'm guilty of this just as much as the next guy. But, that can only get you so far.

Is this why we are the most self-medicated, addicted, and obese population currently?

Is this why, according to statistics, men commit suicide more than women?

We do not want to show shame.

We want to show a "strong" outside exterior and coat of armor because it is what we are taught is in our nature and going against that current is a sign of "weakness" to many of our fellow male friends.

We're taught to be leaders, the head of the household, the one with a higher paying job. Does all of this make us any more of a man, though?

I've always been a little more sensitive, I will admit to that.

There are many countless times where I would shut down and not tell someone what was on my mind and it drove me insane.

Women, no offense to any of the readers, talk constantly about their feelings. This is what they do. Am I right or am I right? I am in no way hating on women. I am saying this is a strength many women have and they use it to the best of their ability.

How often do you see a group of men sitting together talking about how they feel? You don't. It's often more common that we would rather talk sports, politics, etc.

Talking through our issues, discussing situations, exchanging feelings of empathy can literally save someone's life. I know this because it saved mine.

I truly believe as human beings we are placed on this earth to do just that. To share with one another, to connect, to be vulnerable.

Do not hide what you are feeling in any given moment simply because it might not be the "social norm." Forget the social norms and feel. Be seen. Be heard.

Vulnerability is the core of shame, fear, and our struggle for worthiness. But it is also the birthplace of joy, creativity, love, and belonging.

We are human beings and are all capable of feeling the same emotions. Remember that.

To conclude this article, I'd like to add a personal quick story that was a moment of realization for me;

Whenever my grandmother passed away, I was forcing myself to try and keep it together during the whole process. I didn't shed a tear. I stood by her side the entire time and then it happened. She took her last breath and I saw the life leave her body. In that moment, I broke down. In that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I burst into a sea of tears. I held my mother in my arms. I held many other people in my arms that morning, just weeping and sobbing.

One nurse who I was crying into her shoulder whispered to me, "You are so strong. You're so very strong." I thought to myself, this chicks crazy. I have literally never felt more weak in my entire life. How in God's name to you think I am strong?

Now I know. It was because I was making myself fully seen. I was heard. I was vulnerable. I look back on that moment and think how it all changed from there. How in that moment I was no longer a "boy" but a man. An imperfect man who is worthy of love and belonging and isn't afraid to embrace that.

It's a gift that we all have and are all capable of. Don't be afraid to open the box and see what's inside.

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