“We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls, ‘You can have ambition but not too much. You should aim to be successful but not too successful, otherwise you will threaten the man." - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Such is the plight of the woman. And we wonder why it’s so difficult for women to be happy. How do you teach a girl or woman to love themselves in a world that seems to hate everything about them? Well, not to tell anyone how to live their life, but here are some things every woman should remember when it seems the walls of her gender are getting in between her and her happiness.
1. Don’t live off of compliments, don’t die from criticism.
2. Protect yourself, always.
3. You aren’t a delicate flower; you are a vibrant rosebush sheathed by thorns of knowledge and confidence.
4. Makeup is your weaponry.
5. Always know that your “no” is the only one that matters.
6. Dance when you can, and fight when you have to.
7. Cure sadness with good food.
8. Drink lots of water, that stuff's good for your skin.
9. Being assertive does not make you a bitch. Your strength frightens men and that’s okay.
10.Wake up, flawless.
11. There is no man but your father that can command what you do, and even fathers at some point must let go.
12. Your laughter is one of the most powerful things about you. Use it.
13. People will attempt to label you, but let them be simply that. Attempts. Never let someone else’s words drag you down.
14. Your experiences don’t define you, but they do shape you.
15. The beautiful thing about being a woman is that we’re graceful, even when we’re not.
16. Don’t ever tell your mother (or significant woman in your life) you hate her.
17. One day, someone will try to get you to say yes to something that makes your gut turn and your breath shallow. Run from them.
18. It’s okay to need a back/tummy rub.
19. Love with what you have; never give too much but never be afraid to give a lot either.
20. Your body is not weird or ugly.
21. A good work ethic in a woman’s life is built on two things: defiance and a kind heart.
22. Care for others and always be gentle when the situation calls for it.
23. Remember: you are a queen.
24. Good books are food for the soul: read.
25. You don’t need to apologize for everything, replace your “I’m sorry’s” with “thank you’s”.
26. Being a feminist is not a crime, don’t let anyone say you’re crazy for saying so.
27. Your health is important, take care of you before anyone else.
28. Breakups build character. Even if the walls seem to be coming down, you will survive it.
29. We should all travel alone at some point.
30. Fight for the happiness you deserve.
31. Buy shoes. Buy lots of shoes.
32. You’re perfect even when you fail because our failures don’t make us incapable.
33. Someday you’ll meet a person and that person will either try to love you or break you. Be cautious in both situations.
34. Pray even if you’re not religious. It’s healing.
35. Take. A. Break.
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