Everyone dreams of a life full of money, success, and happiness. Every individual though has their idea of what those are and how it will bring peace into their life. Living such a life is not as impossible as it seems. There are dozens of success stories of crazy dream lives coming into a reality. There is one similarity with each success story: visualization. They saw the life they wanted in their mind they were able to feel, smell, and taste it. Visualization is the biggest part of manifestation and how to get what you desire. There are three manifestation methods that are most commonly used when focusing on your dream life.
17 Second MethodÂ
Being able to visualize and feel your goals and desires is the biggest part of any manifestation method. When you convince your mind you already have what you want, then the universe will give it to you. In the Law of Attraction, it is stated that with the 17-second rule, manifestation starts after the first 17 seconds of visualizing. There must only be this one thought for the entire 17 seconds without doubts or other obstructive thoughts. The best way to use this technique is with an affirmation like, "I am financially abundant". Set a timer for 17 seconds and hold your positive affirmation for 17 seconds. It is difficult to hold a singular thought for the first few times and that's okay. Just restart your time when your thoughts wander and bring your attention back to your affirmation. After those 17 seconds of your positive thought, your mind will attract more and more thoughts of similar vibration. In the 17-second rule, it takes 68 seconds of pure thought to bring your manifestation into reality. It is difficult but once achieved you only need to this once a day until your manifestation comes reality.
369 Method
This manifestation method has recently surfaced on the popular app Tik Tok and has shown successful manifestation stories. It roots from Nicola Tesla where he describes 3, 6, and 9 as the numbers that define our universe. Using these numbers in manifestation is powerful and can bring your manifestation rather quickly. As in all methods of manifestation, visualization is a major part of the 369 technique. Karin Yee came up with this method and she paired the divine numbers with the notion of the 17-second rule created by Abraham It is the idea that if you hold onto a certain thought for 17 seconds then those thoughts grow until the manifestation begins. The 369 method starts by thinking of something you want to bring into your life. Make sure it is a statement where you can say it in your mind for 17 seconds. Meaning, do not write down a simple word and instead make it into a sentence. Then write this statement down three times every morning and visualize for 17 seconds as you write. The next step is to write it out six times in the middle of the day and again, visualize it. The final step is to write it nine times before you go to bed and visualize it. Do this technique for 21 days and your manifestation will come to you.
Scripting Method
Scripting is a common technique that is also very simple. This method is also known as a scripting ritual because it should be done on a daily basis. This is because you are programming your mind (conscious and subconscious) into thinking that what your writing is reality. Your mind has a hard time telling apart reality and dreams. When you are focused on what you want, you attract what you script. There is a certain way to do scripting but it is rather easy. Instead of writing about what you want, write as if it is already yours.
"Thank you universe for my amazing life. Thank you for my financial abundance and stability. Everyone around me can see how thankful and blessed I am..."
Write in the present and visualize as you write. Feel, smell, and taste what you are visualizing as if it were happening right then. Keep your mind and environment calm as you script to maintain those positive thoughts. When scripting, it is advised that you keep a separate journal or notebook for script manifestations so those energies can be in one place. It is best to script before you go to bed and/or right after you wake up. This way you can manifest in your sleep and adjust the mood for the day. Script daily until your desires are yours (they will be).
Manifestation is something anyone can do and achieve. Every person on this earth deserves their dream life. Through manifestation and trust in the universe, those desires will become reality.