Hi! I'm a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
I smoke cigarettes and wear cheap sunglasses. Or maybe I don't smoke, but I definitely wear cheap sunglasses, even when it's cloudy.
I live off blue slushies from the gas station and Chinese take-out. Or Thai take out, maybe sushi. What's trending?
I'm that girl sitting over in the corner bar booth reciting Shakespeare to any man that may grace me with his presence. I'll probably be wearing a red dress, with converse. Or heels, but not heels that will make me taller than you. The dress is probably vintage. It's as if I was born wearing this dress.
You don't know if I have a family, and you certainly don't know anything about my past. I am just a momentary glimpse of a perfect life until you can sort your shit out. I will send you letters written with a typewriter I got from Goodwill.
I drive around in a cute car, probably a bug or some little convertible. It's curious that I always have so much money to fill my tank with and take spontaneous adventures where I beg at you to look at the stars and make a wish. Where do I work again?
I am care free, and fun, and you've never met anyone like me before. You'll never meet anyone like me again. There only one me, yes, that's right, one hundred.
I'll make your heart race, and my quirky faults make you fall in love with my shallow interior.
I am everything any guy has every wanted in a girl. I am every mans muse. I will change your life with my stagnant, over used personality.
I am like a fake orchid, my petals are beautiful and I never wilt, I don't require nourishment because my beauty is plastic.
I'm a manic pixie dream girl. Don't be like me.
Be unapologetically yourself.
Do not try to inherit the traits of girls you read about in books or see in the movies. Don't be Ana from 50 Shades of Grey. Look at real women, women that are doing things, pushing boundaries, being themselves. I want to see you be the best possible you. Not some recycled version of Kirsten Dunst in Elizabethtown or Zooey Deschanel in 500 Days of Summer. You don't have to be a dreamy, whimsical pixie to be admired. Now, this isn't animosity towards any of the actresses mentioned above. This is me reaching out to the women who think they have to be a character to be interesting. Being someones muse has become this obsession with young women, as if they're nobody without the recognition of somebody. Preferably a man who needs saving. Don't be a shell of yourself, let your true you be the you everyone sees.
You are like an oyster, underneath that shell are beautiful pearls that are just waiting to be found.