One of my very close friends recently pointed out to me that I fit the manic pixie dream girl stereotype. After receiving this somewhat unnerving news, I did some research.
To start off, if you don't know a manic pixie dream girl (or mpdg) is a female character in a film who is so darn cute and quirky whose main purpose is to get a male protagonist to realize his inspiration and have a greater appreciation for life. Some examples of this are Penny Lane in "Almost Famous" (the best film ever), Ramona Flowers in "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" and of course Summer Finn in "(500) Days of Summer." Now, this definition isn't what my friend meant by calling me one (thank god), but it's the qualities they possess.
These qualities include quirkiness, carefree, cute, unattainable, unpredictable, independent, spontaneous, heart stealer/breaker of men (sorry), creative, artistic, optimistic, and "alternative." NOW, after doing the research online and watching so many movies that made me so angry I can agree that maybe I have been doomed to fit this stereotype.
I'm gonna blame it on my sign though, cause these are also all the qualities of a Sagittarius. But whatever, that's not important because I guess this is just who I am. And that's great cause ya know what...these girls are awesome. These women do whatever they want, whenever they want no matter what everyone else thinks because it makes them happy. There is nothing more I could ask for than to be free, independent and happy. The only thing that does bother me is that others have tried to thrive off of my optimism, have literally tried to turn me into a Summer Finn.
Absolutely not. Relationships and love are not the only purposes in life. Personal achievement and happiness are what manic pixie dream girls believe. So if that's what I am, so be it. I get to thrive on my own energy and nobody else does.