You know that saying, "don't say yes to anything while you're happy"? Well, for mania, the euphoria and high dopamine and serotonin levels often make somebody feel grandiose, like they are more powerful than they are, and make fanciful choices of that as a result. Just remember that this is not your normal mind frame and when you've returned from your peak back to normalcy, you will have to live with the decision. So gambling money into the stock market, or buying inordinate products online, or taking an impromptu roadtrip may seem great at the moment but might be regrettable later on. Just don't do anything that could effect your life long-term and you should be fine.
Though you probably shouldn't leap to decisions, your creativity during this time period is at a high. So those visionary ideas you had about the new app, or your new psychic-like epiphanies about a person close to you are definitely worth noting, so you can unravel and explore it when you're back to the regular you. It's extremely easy to forget the fast paced stream of consciousness you experience while manic unless you write it down. You could type, journal, take a video or voice recording of yourself, whatever is a faster way to transcribe your racing thoughts.
Also, if you are an artist, or want to be, this could be a big break for you and you should definitely go to the studio, paint at the canvas, photograph, or write your heart out. You are tapping into a different side of your consciousness and should definitely appreciate it and allow the future you to look back and smile.
Remember what it's like to be depressed, and everything is an unbearable eyesore, and it's difficult to get out of bed or concentrate? Well now you are in the polar opposite mindset so take advantage! Clean your house, get your midterm study guide done, go visit your great aunt Bertha, etc. They may not be the funnest activities to do, but you have the energy, and you will thank yourself later.
Remind yourself that because of the increased speed of neurotransmissions, and the brain's propensity to produce more dopamine, and especially if you are not taking your meds daily, you might be prone to paranoia or delusions. I have been through that while manic, three days of only nap sized chunks of sleep and delirious and schizoaffective thought patterns that people were after me. Luckily I re-entered equilibrium before being able to act on them. But the thoughts were honestly quite terrifying, and I heard voices too. Remind yourself that you are in an altered state, and it's similar to taking drugs, and that your version of reality is slightly warped, and that's ok. This too shall pass. Wait it out before jumping to conclusions. Steve's not a spy, he's just nosy.
If you do experience hallucinations while manic, make sure to tell your psychiatrist. They won't dub you crazy and lock you up- you have to be a danger to yourself or others to be locked up- as in, you have to have intentions to harm- if you do, please check yourself in, if you don't, you're fine. This will allow him or her to make corrections to your medications.
Meditation is without a doubt the best way to slow down the befuddling raucous of racing thoughts. It also easesanxiety, hypertension, and high blood pressure. What's better is it will ground you in the present moment and relax you and help you to cognizant your role in your thought processes and become the observer, rather than getting wrapped up in the thoughts. It's like your Mind is 3 different entities: the train, which has passengers (the different monologues and thoughts in your head) jostling around and sometimes screaming for attention, the conductor (your sense of self in charge of the thoughts that you most identify with ie. your ego), and the entire atmosphere encompassing the train and everything in the picture (your true self). What you learn to identify with in your consciousness is what your body will respond to and you will become.
Additionally, since it is difficult to sleep while manic, I'd imagine that it is the perfect time to try to remote view or astral project. If you are a spiritual truth seeker or simply bored and looking for an adventure study this topic. Many people fail astral projecting because they fall asleep but this certainly won't be a problem for you.
If mania makes you irritable, and you are in a conversation with someone who triggers you, avoid a bad confrontation by silently counting to 30 in your head while you think over your words. This may seem impossible at first but with practice it will come quite easy. If they wonder why you are pausing to speak you can politely tell them you are thinking or maybe hum and tap your foot and look distractedly in the other direction.
An appetite on mania can be awful so just make sure you are practicing proper self-care. Eat and drink every three hours even if it is just a healthy snack.
BLESS YOU AND STAY SAFE!!! No matter your diagnosis you are very beloved. ♡