This past year I struggled a lot with managing my anxiety. Balancing school, work, friends, and family became a lot to handle, so I searched for ways to help me cope with the tightening in my chest that never seemed to go away. Here are 5 things that actually helped lessen my anxiety.
1. Yoga
This may be a cliche answer to soothing anxiety, but it really works. Taking as little as 5 minutes to breathe deeply and calm my brain every night gave me amazing results. I went to bed feeling refreshed and woke up feeling ready to conquer the day. I recommend using the app Calm. This is an app that guides you through meditation and deep breathing. It’s a lifesaver!
2. Stay organized
Feeling overwhelmed can happen easily in our fast-paced world. Keeping a planner in which I wrote down all my goals for the week as well as school assignments helped me to keep my head organized. Visualizing my to-do list allowed me to better plan out my days. Keep in mind it’s just a planner, nothing is set in stone. Be ready to move things around and be flexible with yourself.
3. Water, water, water
If your parents are anything like mine, their universal remedy is to drink water. But staying hydrated is a vital part of your mental health. Prior to this self-help experiment, I barely drank a glass of water a day. I was tired all the time and my head never seemed to stop aching. Now, I drink as much water as possible throughout the day. I bought myself a cute little metal water bottle to help save the earth as well as my sanity. Now, I am more energized and don’t get as frequent headaches (and bonus points: my skin is a lot healthier!)
4. Exercise!
Going to the gym can be anxiety provoking for many, but I promise you it makes a world of difference. Keep in mind you don’t have to go to the gym for the sole purpose of losing weight. Physical exercise is extremely important for a healthy body and mind. Just 30 minutes on the elliptical or treadmill will reenergize your body and kick your anxiety out the door. You might also find you enjoy working out.
5. Take your time
Forcing yourself to be ok when you’re not ready is never a good thing. Feeling better takes time; positivity is key. Know that you are not alone, and things will get better. Having a positive outlook is half the battle, but once you can do that, you’re well on your way to managing your anxiety.