Finals are coming up! You know what that means? It means everything will start falling apart or at least it will seem like it. More assignments will be given to you by teachers. Drama will unfold right before your eyes that you'll somehow be dragged into. Sleep will basically be nonexistent and self care slowly starts to diminish. So what can you do?
The stress will pass and you will get through it. Best you can do is breath and take it slowly.
2. Mediate or find some form of relaxation!
Find something that can put your mind at ease and that you can concentrate on. Mediating helps you practice mindfulness and in times of high stress that is imperative.
3. Stay present!
Take it one final at a time. Concentrate on the here and now. Remember that cheesy quote we all learned as kids, "the past is history, the future is a mystery, and the present is a gift." Take advantage of it.
Putting things off stresses you out even more. If you don't do it today trust me you are probably not going to do it tomorrow.
5. Workout!
Working out is a huge stress reliever. Go for a run/walk, lift, or bike. Just get out there and workout the stress.
6. Eat!
Be kind to your stomach. Feed yourself, remember to eat. Just like cars need gas to function we need food.
7. Sleep!
If sleep goes everything else will go. Your mind needs the time to rest and recuperate. Give your mind some rest so you can keep going!
Yo, stress is real. Stress is healthy, but too much stressful can be detrimental, so please follow these steps and take care of yourselves. It will get easier, it always does!!