Now, not that I know a whole lot of anything on this subject. But I am very passionate about men and women being equals as well as often having the opinion that "men are trash."
When having sex, in any circumstance, it takes two willing partners who are aware of the conditions of the activity. When having unprotected sex, it is even more important to make sure both partners are on the same terms. Now, personally, I think having unprotected sex is a stupid and unnecessary risk. Not only do you run a pregnancy risk, but you run an STI risk as well.
But, if two people are going to have unprotected sex, it is a good idea to have a plan for emergency contraceptives. If you think you're going to get laid without agreeing to help pay or placing the responsibility of Plan B on the woman, you're wrong and I am more than willing to tell you why.
First of all, Plan B is expensive and sex is not worth the cost. It is $50 for just one pill. If you think sex with someone who is too cheap to pay for it is worth it, you're a few screws loose. I don't care who you are, it's not worth it.
Second of all, the woman is not the only person engaging in sex. It takes two people to engage in successful consensual sexual intercourse. Therefore, it should take to people to pay for the emergency contraceptive. I am petty enough to take money from your wallet. Don't try me.
Third, it's 2018. Women and men are becoming equals. Therefore, you need to walk yourself right on out of 1952 and stop telling women what their responsibilities are and are not. Women are tired of men dictating what they should and shouldn't do. If you can run around telling women Plan B is their job we can tell you that cleaning up all of the mess that sex leaves is your job.
I will tell you right now, I will never cover the cost of Plan B on my own when I didn't have sex alone. So you have three options here: a.) split the cost b.) wear a condom c.) have a child.
The cost of Plan B One Step birth control at Walgreens is $49.99. And I again state, we will split it. So, split in half that's roughly $24.99. Condoms, on average, cost from $2-$6 for a pack of 3. A baby, on average in the United States costs $10,808. So, I beg the question, A five minute $24.99 trip to Walgreens for Plan B, a relatively cheap box of condoms, or $10,808+ multiplied over 18 years of life?