It starts out looking like any old children's cartoon. An adorable little girl at school, taking home a picture she drew of her family. The quality of the animation is surprisingly good. Good enough that any child wouldn't think twice about sitting down and watching it. However, this video has a disturbing message. One that attempts to persuade children to change the sexual orientation of others.
When at school, a little girl is shocked and confused at the drawing of her classmate's lesbian mothers. When she sees her own mother, she tells her about it and how the teacher explained that love is all that matters. The mother disagrees.
"What matters is how Jehovah feels," says the mother. The mom proclaims that Jehovah knows how to make people happiest, which is why he invented marriage.
Alright, pause.
First, how exactly does denying your sexuality make you happy? It's estimated that 30 percent of LGBT people attempt suicidebefore they are 13. This rate is higher in areas where LGBT rights are not supported. People who go to "Gay to Straight Camps" are nine times more likely to experience suicidal thoughts. All symptoms of happiness, according to this video.
Second, Jehovah's Witnesses were founded in 1870. And yet, marriage has been written of it in Ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. Ideas about marriage have been around since long before the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses was even a thing. Marriage is nothing more than a social construct. It has undergone numerous changes as society has changed. The definition of marriage is made up by societal ideas that are currently in power. For example, back in Ancient Greece, homosexual marriages were considered the ideal. The definition of marriage is relative to the context of the time and place of the person you ask.
The video continues with some Biblical quotes. "Jehovah's standard haven't changed" since those Biblical quotes on heterosexual marriage were written, says the mother. By that logic, other verses such as “Let wives be in subjection to their husbands as to the Lord” (Eph. 5:22) and "The wife is not in charge of her own body, but her husband is" (1 Cor. 7: 3-5) are also Jehovah's standards.
The video ends with the mother talking about how Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to help people (meaning homosexuals) change. She then has her daughter practice converting her friends. Apparently homosexuals aren't the ones who want to convert others to their sexuality, Jehovah's Witnesses are.
The blatant indoctrination of children shown in this video is frightening. The teachings presented there are the reasons why many LGBT people aren't accepted and ultimately commit suicide. Jehovah's Witnesses need to realize the harmful effects of their actions. Videos such as these have no place in modern society.