In many cases, this letter might be angry. There might be a deep seeded level of animosity harbored towards you because you took something precious to me. You took what no amount of money, no level of power, and no amount of prestige can buy.
You took my best friend—and you stole her heart.
But truth be told, this letter isn’t angry, and I have no ill feeling towards you. I won’t chastise you, nor will I direct any hostility or blame in your direction. This letter isn’t a letter of hate. Quite simply, it’s a letter of thanks. Because the simple fact is, while you were busy stealing my friend’s heart, you gave me something even better in exchange; you gave me the ability to see her happy.
Thank you for making her the happiest I’ve ever seen her. She’s entirely transformed because you loved her, and I’ve seen her make this profound progression of character towards her ideal self. You’ll have fights—of course, you will—but you’ve worked every single day to make her the happiest version of herself. You’d give her the moon if only you could catch it.
In addition to her personal growth, I’ve watched you both mutually grow in response to your relationship, and my heart swells each time I witness you tackle with ease what was once an issue from ghost-of-fights-past. You constantly refuse to settle in your relationship, and instead, push each other to greater heights. What was once an individual accomplishment has now become a collaborative one.
In this way, thank you for continuing to support her in every endeavor she makes, because that girl has the type of ambition that can move mountains. She’ll change the world someday, but that couldn’t be possible without your unwavering support, patience, and understanding. You have steadily become the sturdy foundation upon which she is building her life, and I can’t wait to see where that life leads.
While building that life, thank you for not only opening up your heart to her but for opening it up to me as well. While some boyfriends attempt to monopolize their girlfriend's time, you encouraged her to stay close to me and understood when she needed time with the girls. From day one, you’ve recognized that we came as a “package deal,” and you’ve treated me with the greatest amount of respect and love.
Because of this, you’ve become a brother to me. Thank you for always looking out for, protecting, and, of course, teasing me when I needed someone to bicker with. More than once, you’ve dropped everything for me the minute I needed a heart to heart, pep talk, or a voice of reason. And, though I may laugh or roll my eyes, I appreciate every time you’ve tried to set me up with someone too because I know it means you want nothing more than to see me find happiness as well.
You’re not just my best friend’s boyfriend, you’re a vital and beloved part of my life as well—and I couldn’t have given her up to anyone less deserving. Thank you to the boy who stole my best friend’s heart, because ultimately, I didn’t lose a best friend—I simply gained a second.