Do you ever find yourself wishing movie guys were real? Are you (secretly) singing "Where do the good boys go to hide away?" like Daya in your free time? Are you tired of boys who don't have good intentions? Do you want/NEED a cripplingly wholesome man in your life? The one that will be there for you in the good and the bad times? The one who's into girls like you, who not only look good, but who have heart too?
If you're shaking, your head "Yes Ma'am" to any of the above, then rest assured, you came to the right place. Free pick-up lines, Smile tests, and Ring checks included at no additional cost. They come with a 100% cheesy guarantee, too! Guys and Gals who find each other attractive walk past each other every day. Most all of us, fear the same thing, rejection. So, nothing ends up happening. But what if… the next time you ran into a cute guy, you smiled, and confidently slid into his real life dm aka his contacts? What if you -gasp-, got his number, and hit it off? The worst that can happen is not so bad, when you take into consideration the best that could happen.
1. Publix
GiphyPublix. We may laugh at first, and I can't speak for all Floridians, but what I do know that a vast majority of us do at least part of our shopping at Publix. Now you may wonder, when you say Publix, are you talking customers, employees or what? We'll go aisle by aisle and find out. First, I'd recommend the sandwich area. A man who is buying himself a Publix sandwich, obviously, has good taste. Hopefully his good taste also translates over to having good taste in women. If it does, he would be more than happy to give you his number. After that, head on over to the fruits & veggies section. When in a public grocery store, one should always do a ring check before going in for -the hmu-. If he has on a college T-shirt, doesn't have a ring, and looks your age, go get him!! Finally, Publix prides themselves on hiring employees who will live up to their standards of "dignity, value and exceptional guest experience." Next time you get a cute cashier, tell him your checking him out. If your feeling extra confident playfully point out that he's checking, you out. Because he is, and if he gets what you mean by that, he'll appreciate you're spunk. Then there's the safe option. It's also the considerate-of-the-fact-that-your-at-work option too. You could ask him to bring your bags to the car. When out of sight of his supervisors, you can get his number or social. He'll appreciate that you were thoughtful enough to not make it awkward. After all, Publix should be where shopping is a pleasure.
2. Hair Cutting Shops
GiphyHair cutting shops. Ladies, we like to keep our hair pretty. We all do that in different ways. Haircuts, perms, highlights, you name it. Sometimes we'll be sitting in the salon chair and a guy around our age will come in to get his hair cut. What does this imply about him? It shows one of two things, one, that he takes care of himself, or two that his mom told him to. Second scenario, at least you know he listens to his mom. Guess what? You already have the perfect excuse to talk to him now, too. All you have to say is, "Nice haircut, what was your name by the way?" Then flash that big, beautiful smile of yours. You never know, he might like your haircut too!!
3. Volunteering
GiphyCommunity Service Projects.There are tonssss of places we can volunteer at. If you've always wanted to fall in love the hallmark way, then I 1000% recommend doing this. To name just a few, there are local food banks, goodwill's, and even the special Olympics. The library also loves getting volunteers. If you are looking for the kind of guy that would go to activities like these, then you should try to be that kind of person yourself! Worst case scenario, no single eligible guys show up, well you did a service that you can feel good about! But, when you do see a guy you like, make sure to ask him "Did you come to the kitchen to serve soup or looks?" Give him a flirty wink and you'll be well on your way to partnership valley. Population; You and New Cute Guy.
4. Libraries on College Campuses
GiphyNow I'm not saying sneak onto a college campus... but I'm saying sneak into a college campus. If you are already in college this a nearly foolproof way to find a man who's smart enough to be getting some work done. Many college campuses have tutors, as well. If he's a tutor, you can infer that he's not only smart but he likes helping people too. A job as a tutor requires both a minimum GPA and a minimum amount of patience and kindness towards others. So if you land yourself a tutor, you've landed someone cute, smart, helpful and patient?? That's a major win. You could tease him and say, "Hey, if you're so good at reading, how about you read my lips!" Then mouth the words, "You're cute" to him. Or tell him there's a story you're interested in knowing about. When he asks what story, say his. Make sure to do it all in a cheerful way, men can't resist a happy gal!
5. Orthodontist/Dentist
GiphyAgain, we like a man who takes care of himself. Whether he is perfecting his smile, or getting his teeth cleaned, you know he's got a good thing going for him! These offices are a great place to do what I refer to as "The smile test." Smile, if he smiles back, then green means go!! Go get you're cute guy with a good set of choppers!
Don't be afraid to go up to a guy. You know how they always say, "Don't be afraid of that animal, it's more scared of you, than you are of it." Well, the same applies to the species, men. You're well on you're way to getting that dream guy!