Man Jewelry: Why the Madness Needs to Stop | The Odyssey Online
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Man Jewelry: Why the Madness Needs to Stop

Man Jewelry: Why the Madness Needs to Stop

As a female, I understand that boys are not going to be crazy about every style trend that college girls choose to adopt. I respect their right to hate on high-waisted shorts, peplum tops, floppy hats and anything else any male could feel the need to voice his opinion on (see HuffPost's “23 Trends Guys Hate (But Women Love)".

However, it's time for what goes around to come back around. It's time for women everywhere to take a stand against the single most heinous male fashion trend that we see way too often on our campuses and in our lives.

This is a universal message to men everywhere: Please stop wearing man jewelry. Let me clarify what exactly “man jewelry" constitutes. Your watches are fine, wedding rings are great and class rings are cool sometimes. What's not okay is your bracelets (that should go without saying – LiveStrong bands are so 2000 and late) and especially your necklaces. Leather necklaces, silver necklaces, gold necklaces, nothing is okay. This is the modern fashion faux-pau equivalent to cargo shorts.

It's like a new-age plague. I have actually walked around campus and observed this phenomenon, and I would venture a guess that almost 50% of the male population is guilty of this accessory crime. Unless you're Riff Raff or 2Chainz, there is absolutely no reason why you should need to have any kind of metal hanging from your neck. None. It doesn't make a difference if you bought it at James Avery. It's not fashionable, it's not cute, it's not aesthetically pleasing in any way, shape or form.

I've discussed this with several perpetrators of the man jewelry trend, and it needs to be acknowledged that zero of your arguments are valid. I understand that your mom/grandma/great aunt/any other older influential female in your life gave you a necklace one Christmas. That's great, and I'm sure she's a wonderful person. One Christmas, my grandma gave me a bright pink hand-knitted sweater with little pigs as buttons. Should I wear the sweater to class and suffer the consequences just because I love my grandma? No. I shouldn't. And neither should you.

The second argument I hear too often is in defense of cross chain necklaces. I recognize and respect your freedom of religion, but it doesn't need to be a fashion statement. Buy a cross keychain. Or maybe just go to church. Not only are cross necklaces the ultimate eyesore (see above), but also they come off as an aggressive display of your supposed morals. The type of guy who wears a cross necklace is the type of guy who would defend his fashion choice by saying that “Jesus had hella hoes." I have actually had someone say that to me when I asked him about his cross necklace. No, I'm not kidding. I understand that this one example is not representative of men as an entire gender, but it's a fair illustration of the average necklace-wearing man I have encountered in my lifetime.

So, boys, while I respect your freedom to express yourself through your clothing choices, I feel like it's time somebody told you how utterly ridiculous your necklaces look. It's like you've all been walking around with food in your teeth since 2005 and no one has had the decency to tell you. Well now we have. You're welcome.

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