To My Man | The Odyssey Online
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To The Man Who Gave Me The World And Never Stopped Trying To Do So

Even though I don't say it enough, you really do bring me sunshine every day.

To The Man Who Gave Me The World And Never Stopped Trying To Do So

To the man who has given me the world,

I feel like I never truly do give you the appreciation you deserve. After full two years of dating someone that I look up to, you have shown me ways of life no one has before.

I know there are so many girls out there writing letters to their boyfriends online, and I might just be another one of those girls, but this is more of a thank you than a love letter.

Thank you for picking me back up when no one else would.

Through all the fake friends who have backstabbed me multiple times and for all the girls who I have lost as friends, you knew I was stuck in such a tough situation and you still continued to make it better. You were the one who put a smile back onto my face and you were the one who took me out and brought me out of my comfort zone so I can find a new meaning of happiness.

Thank you for understanding my anger.

Sometimes I get angry, and I get into bad moods that I can't control. For some reason you understand it, and you don't push me for answers. You know I will open up sooner or later and the time might not be now but it might be later and you understand that and you accept that. That is all I ever asked for, for someone to not push my buttons when I don't want them pushed.

Thank you for making me laugh when I feel like crying.

You always know when I'm upset, but you won't push me past my limit. You crack dumb jokes and do stupid things that will make me laugh till my stomach hurts, and it usually ends up working. Even through the hardest of times when I have to fight back tears and get rid of the choking feeling in my throat, you manage to get rid of it so fast by making me laugh so hard that the tears that do come out aren't from sadness.

Thank you for always taking care of me.

It feels good to know someone always has your back and will always take care of me. Even through my car accident and the injuries I got, you still took the time out of your day to take me to my doctor's appointments. You massaged my back, made me food, and gave me all the blankets I could possibly ever need. You will kiss me a million times no matter how sick I am. You do all of this to make sure I'm okay and I'm alive and I'm more than grateful for that.

Thank you for always putting me first.

You put my happiness before yours constantly. You will do anything for me. I wanted to go to college in Florida and you dropped everything and followed me, You left all of your best friends behind because you wanted to continue your life with me. You've skipped English class more times than I can count to take me to my physical therapy appointments. You've done more for me than you have for yourself.

Thank you for being my person.

Not sure how my life would be if I didn't have you in it. You've been in it for so long that it would be too hard to let you go. You know me more than I know myself. You know what makes me smile so hard. You know how eggs literally are so gross to me. You know how my biggest pet peeve is horrible drivers. You know how lemonade is my favorite drink of all time. You know how I wait 3 weeks to do laundry. You know how I suck at saving money. You know every little thing about me, and there is no one else in the world that knows so much about me. You are my person, my forever person.

Thank you for giving me the world and for continuing to do so. Thank you for being you.

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