Genesis 2:7
"The Lord God formed the Man from the soil of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the Man became a living being."
It is vital to understand that Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 2:7 contain two different information regarding the creation of Mankind.
After the creation of the heaven and the earth including all things it, in Genesis 1:26 the writer (Moses) tells us that the Lord God intended to create man in his image, according to His Likeness - "then God said Let Us make man…" As earlier indicated, the Lord God had already envisioned in His mind to embark on the divine agenda of making mankind in His own image, according to His likeness. At this point man had not yet existed physically, but was just in the mind of the Lord God in the form of an image. God was designing man in His mind according to His divine purpose.
Later on in Genesis 2:7, we the Lord God reaching at a stage of making man to appear in the physical nature. At this stage God was now practically forming man. The Lord God did this by the way of skillfully molding Man using the soil of the ground.
Lets go a little bit in detail to inculcate Genesis 2:7. What was really happening.
1. "The Lord God formed Man…"
When the Lord God was forming Man out of the soil of the ground, He was practically doing it to bring out what He had already created in the spiritual realm in form of spirit soft copy, that which He purposed to form in the physical nature later on as living beings, the hard copy image of God. Before Man was formed in the physical, he had existed first in the form of a soft copy image in the spiritual realm by the divine supernatural creativity power of God (Isaiah 43:1)
2. Formed from the soil of the ground
Mankind is a product of the soil of the ground. The Lord God formed mankind out of the soil of the ground to demonstrate His divine ability to create anything from something beyond human understanding. For He is omniscient God Almighty.
One would ask as to why Man was formed from the soil of the ground. In order to get an answer for this question, first of all, we must get an understanding of the importance as well as function of soil. God used the soil of the ground to symbolize its significant role it play to cause a seed to germinate out of it when it is sowed. Soil helps plants to grow by providing natural nutrients. Therefore, Man was formed from the soil as a product with the power to be fruitful, reproduce and thereafter multiply (Genesis 1:28).
3. Breathed into…
After the Lord God had completely finished His project of forming Man from the soil of the ground, He then breathed into the nostrils of the body of man in order to make him a living being. This was a breath of life to give life to the designed and molded body of man.
Breathing into the nostrils of the body man was way of supernaturally transmission or transfer of the already created spirit being in the spiritual realm to a living being into the physical world. God transmitted the soft copy of the spirit being of Man from the spiritual realm (World of Imagination) into the hard copy of Man with the living nature.
Additionally, the Lord God Almighty imparted the supernatural blessing of reproduction into Man in order for him to be fruitful and multiply.
It is from this point of view that we are able to believe that when the physical body die, the spirit being (the Soul), never die, but rather goes back to the creator, the Lord God Almighty. This is only applicable to the true believers in Christ (Luke 16:22).
4. The breath of life
This is the supernatural life-giving breath that only proceed out of the mouth of God, the Almighty creator of all creation. This is the energy that makes the human body to carry out its daily normal functions.
The "breath of life" is special to this passage. It expresses the spiritual and principal element in man, which is not formed, but breathed by the Creator into the physical form of man. This rational part is that in which he bears the image of God, and is suited to be his vicegerent on earth. As the earth was prepared to be the dwelling, so was the body to be the organ of that breath of life which is his essence, himself.
With the breath of life from the Lord God, Man has an opportunity to live sustainably all the appointed number of years on earth to enable him manage God's creation.
While you have this opportunity to live with the breath of life which God put in you, it is vital to consider serving God as the number one priority in your life. Secondly, utilize this opportunity of life to be productive, fruitful and multiply as you carry out your daily developmental activities in order to earn a sustainable living on earth. Don't become lazy. Wake up! Enjoy the blessing of the Lord (Proverbs 14:23).
5. A Living Being (Soul)
It is sufficiently implied here that the soul of man is of a quite different nature and higher origin than the souls of beasts, which, together with their bodies, are said to be brought forth by the earth and waters, Genesis 1:24.
As by his body he is allied to earth and by his soul to heaven, so by the vital union of these he is associated with the whole animal kingdom, of which he is the constituted sovereign. This passage, therefore, aptly describes him as he is suited to dwell and rule on this earth. The height of his glory is yet to come out in his relation to the future and to God.
Man became a living being (soul); or a living man, not only capable of performing the functions of the animal life, of eating, drinking, walking, and talking. But of thinking, reasoning, and discoursing as a rational creature.