Have you ever been down on your luck, especially financially or romantically? Would you ever want to visit Greece? Do you enjoy ABBA music? Then do I have the movie for you.
"Mamma Mia" is hands down one of my favorite films. The music is catchy, it has an all-star cast (all hail Meryl Streep), and the flash mobs are pretty epic.
The biggest reason I love this musical masterpiece, though, is because it's very relatable. It has many good nuggets of advice that anyone and everyone can and should use.
Now, I know that you're thinking, "How can I relate to/use advice from a movie about Meryl Streep singing ABBA songs in Greece?"
Well, I'm here to tell you that you can. In honor of "Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again," here are four pieces of advice, straight from Mamma Mia to you.
1. Friendship is the single best thing ever
Whether it's the Sophie-Lisa-Ali friendship muscling through a nearly impossible father search or the Donna-Tanya-Rosie triad working through the unexpected arrival of three exes, this movie exhibits the wonders of a thorough support system.
Friends bring with them laughter, adventure, and sometimes even alcohol. They're smiling with you during the best of times and crying with you during the worst. Whatever life brings you, as long as you have some great people surrounding you, nothing can't be solved.
2. It's okay to be unconventional, as long as you own your choices
Let's face it: deciding to buy an island hotel off the coast of Greece might not be the most common reaction to finding out you're pregnant. It's probably not even in the top ten. That's what Donna did, however, and with flying colors, raising a daughter and running her own business for twenty years with no regrets and no looking back.
Life is an odd mess of events, and sometimes, we can't exactly control what happens. However, it's the choices we make that determine how we act and react. Whether you're following the beaten path or beating a path of your own, do it with your own choices.
3. Change can be scary, but it can also lead to your next adventure
Hey, I get it. Marriage can be scary. Kids can be scary. Meeting your ex(es) for the first time in forever is scary. However, you can only hide in your Greek hotel for so long before you have to face it all.
The world is forever changing. Some of it is good, some of it is not so good. All of it, however, leads to something new. You can either run scared, or embrace it, singing "Dancing Queen" all the way (just a hint: one is much more fun).
4. If you have a problem, deal with it by being straight-forward and honest
As I've already mentioned, you can only run away from your issues for so long. This movie is chalk full of people getting deeper and deeper into a hole they've dug because they simply didn't tell the truth upfront (I'm looking at you, Sophie, about your three dads).
Think back for a moment. Have you ever benefited in the long run by not telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Sure, white lies seem all right at the time, but do they really help? Whether it's with people or event in your life, it's much better to be upfront with your problems.
I'm anxiously waiting for "Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again" to see more adventures, learn new lessons, and see the beautiful Greek island again. In the meantime, though, I'll have my feather boa and ABBA album on standby.