If you’ve read previously, you know Brayden and I are on a northern California road trip and staying with my grandparents in San Jose. Granny and Pop are the definition of Italian grandparents and I love every second of being with them… until it has been too much because lets face it, Italians are always too much. And I am one so I know this about myself. Coming here, I wanted B to build relationships with them since we don’t get to see them all that often.
What is it with grandmas and boys? On top of that, grandmas and their grandkids’ boyfriends? They fall in love with them so fast. They think they are the greatest thing next to cannoli's. She had met B before this, and when she did meet him, we weren’t dating yet. Granny had had two old fashions on her 83rd birthday that we were celebrating that night she met B in Boise and she leaned over to his and my parents and told them she was going to have her priest start praying for us to be together…Italians, am I right? Too much. Well I mean, 3 days later, I confessed my love to him so she wasn’t wrong.
Pop is an intimidating man in my opinion. He told us we could only come to town if he could take B sporting disk shooting. Okay Pop, we get it, you’re the big tough guy here. Him and B talked like it was no big thing when they first met here in San Jose, while I was sitting there terrified that he wouldn’t be able to break through to Pop’s soft side (the only side I live on). He did, instantly. I don’t know who was the more easy going one of the 3, whether they were ready to take in Brayden or if Brayden knew he had to get in with the grandparents if he wanted to make it good with me. Oh well, it worked.
The first two days of our trip we spent hanging out with Granny and Pop, making bread, seeing movies, going shooting, anything easy going. B and I were also exhausted from our million-hour road trip so we had nothing in us to hop on the road again. And we love it here, we are being spoiled to death and enjoying every homemade meal possible that we don’t get often at school. We have felt guilty every day leaving them to go on an adventure, because just hanging out with them is fun for us. It is such a blessing to have good healthy grandparents and even more than that, to have family that loves your boyfriend just as much as you do.
March 17-18, 2017