Let's admit it, we live in a world where women are still treated unequal. We are the exact same as men other than the fact that some parts of our body are different. Yes, the obvious distinction between men and women is physically, but that is not the only distinction. For example the female brain has verbal centers on the right and left hemisphere, while men only have it on the left hemisphere. Not to mention the differences in processing between males and females; we think and approach tasks differently as well. So why does this matter? This is what makes a male and female so special. They are both different. They each bring something diverse to the table. There is no such thing as a "more dominant" gender because both genders bring equal opportunities to the world. I am not a feminist because I am a female; I am a feminist because women can bring just as much opportunity within the world as men can. We are equal.
One of the ways I was shaped into being such an advocate for women's equality is through my high school education; an all female school. It was engraved within my brain that females can do anything a man can. We can receive an education and succeed, and yes, we can do the same in science and technology as well. We can play sports, have careers, be leaders, and fight in war. Our sole purpose on this earth was not meant for the stereotypical cooking, cleaning, taking care of the children, and pleasing the husband. We are meant for more than this. Women all over the world are treated unequal, and it's not just in the undeveloped countries. Little do these societies realize how much potential women have. If more undeveloped countries let women receive an education and work within the workforce, their economies would sky rocket. And it is no coincidence that this is so.
Let's look at the U.S. for a moment. Yes, women can vote, receive an education, drive, and have careers (many rights women lack around the globe), but we are still objectified on the television. We are not products. We have brains. Our bodies are not meant for selling a product when our brains are meant for creating a better world. I am sorry, but a beautiful woman overly exposing her body to sell a cheeseburger is not something I am proud to see on the television. Commercials like this only increase the stereotypes and bring down self-confidence in women. Appearance does not matter, what matters is who you are and who you strive to be. How are women supposed to have equal rights when at least several times during commercial breaks it is women selling a product through her body? This is even the case for men too, and it's sickening.
I believe that women can achieve anything a man can because we are equal. I promise you females are more than capable of being successful as a mother, wife, and worker. And just as females can, men can as well. And this is why I'm a feminist; because we are limitless people who deserve limitless rights. We are built differently, but together we are equal.