As a college freshman that just began their first term I can say I've done a lot of research over the pass few months. Not just research on what school would suit me the best, but different places to buy furniture for my room, or ordering the best quality sheets and bedding protection, and also just other dorm essentials one might need while being away from home. Although, my parents and I definitely thought I was well prepared to start my first semester as a college student shockingly we were wrong. Of course I packed all of my electrical equipment chargers but I never realized that their length was so important. However, after my first visit to my room I realized the length of your charger is super important. Why one might ask? Well near my bed there's not a single wall outlet to plug anything in what's so ever. Although, this shouldn't be describe as a massacre or the end of the world my world was drastically spinning out of control and the thoughts I was experiencing were just horrific.
Even though my parents we're super thoughtful and provided me with surge protectors to plug things in at my convince they still barley made it near my bed. As a result I turned to a very trusted resource of mine. Also known as my iPhone and went on to the trusted world of answers at your finger tips and searched extended chargers for your iPhone devices. And, the next thing I knew I found a charger which was approved by apple on Amazon that measured 10 feet long. Ecstatic as ever I read the particulars and made sure it was for my device and proceeded to checkout.
Next as my parents headed back to my home city and as the day progress my iPhone battery slowly drifted pass me and sorta like a daze the phase of not having a long cord or outlet locked centrally near me once again flashed through my mind. Along with the thought that what if the shipping take longer than expected, if they ups store loses it, or if it just never arrives what would I do exactly? Never the less my wonderful charger has arrived and even right now while writing this piece speaking about how great it is I'm utilizing the best thing ever created. I honestly couldn't thank the inventor of this fabulous machine and Amazon for the fastest and most reliable shipping ever for providing me with the opportunity to have such a great thing at my finger tips. Everyone must get a 10 ft charger for their phone even if they don't need one as bad as I did to accommodate for the lack of outlets provided near my own bed.