Getting a summer internship is hard. Sometimes even after countless emails, cover letters, and interviews you still can’t seem to land the job. If this is you, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to expand your resume and have a successful and productive summer (and even make some money) without a formal internship.
1. Volunteer.
Whether it’s helping out senior citizens in your community or volunteering at a local animal shelter or church, volunteer work teaches amazing life lessons and looks great on a resume. For a true resume booster: If you’re looking to become a teacher, volunteer at a summer school or camp -- if you’re in nursing school, volunteer to care for senior citizens in your neighborhood -- etc…
2. Babysit.
Great for making some extra cash…and networking. Who knows, maybe the family you babysit for knows of a company still looking for summer interns. If not this summer, maybe sometime in the future.
3. Write for a website.
If you’re reading this then you are at least the slightest bit familiar with Odyssey. If your school or community has an Odyssey chapter think about applying. Not only will it challenge your creativity and enhance your writing skills, but different writer incentives allow you to get paid.
4. Tutor.
Even though it’s summer, there are many students still taking classes, attending summer school, or even just looking to exercise their minds before the upcoming school year.
5. Take a class.
This doesn't have to be a tedious class, but even something such as a photography class, art class, yoga class -- something you don't have time for during the school year. And, if you want, maybe knock out a required class or even just take a class you’ve always thought sounded interesting but didn’t have the time to take during the semester. Not only will you learn something new, but you will also start school in the fall with a few extra credits.
6. Train for something.
Maybe you can’t exactly put this one on your resume, but the feeling of working towards a goal and seeing yourself improve towards it is one of the best feelings. Try looking up a 5K or 10K (or half/full marathon, if you’re feeling inspired) in your area and start a training program for it. If running isn’t your thing, maybe take a lifesaving training course or even one specifically for babysitting.
7. Travel.
Although you can’t really put this on your resume either, being well traveled will truly help you in the long run. Traveling to another country is not only fun, but also educational -- learning the culture and customs of a foreign country. If traveling out of the country isn’t in your budget, try taking a road trip to a different state and doing just the same.
8. Organize.
With no classes, internship, or super intensive responsibilities, you now have the time to organize -- no excuses! Whether it’s completely reorganizing your room, desk, computer desktop, etc., you will thank yourself when it’s time to go back to school.
9. Work on a project.
Redecorate your room, finish a 1,000-piece puzzle, paint a picture -- you get the gist.
10. Relax and make memories.
You most likely have the rest of your life to work from 9 to 5, so enjoy what may be your last summer without real responsibilities. Take care of your mental and physical health, spend time with friends, do things you rarely have the time to do, and make lasting memories. Sounds cliché but you’ll remember this summer as the summer I did (fill in the blank) -- not the summer I didn’t have an internship.