Making The Most Of The Rest Of Your Semester | The Odyssey Online
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Making The Most Of The Rest Of Your Semester

Because it's not too late to bump that B to an A.

Making The Most Of The Rest Of Your Semester
Facebook: Sue Fitzmaurice (author)

Spring break, in all of its sun-kissed, sand-covered glory can really put college kids into a slump upon returning to school. After a week of beach bumming or visiting with family and friends, cracking into the books for the final stretch of the semester may seem depressing. It seems like only yesterday we were cramming for midterms, and it’s difficult to recover the seriousness of college studies. Returning to campus is bittersweet after the tease of summer that spring break brings. Trying to get back into the swing of academic life can put our time-management skills to the test. The last few weeks of school are crucial to ensuring all of your hard work this semester was worth it. Here are a few tips I have learned from experience on how to get the most out of the end of the semester.

1. Sleep

Seriously, this one is the most important. If you’re like me and have trouble sleeping, turn off those electronic devices at least an hour before bed. The light emitted from these screens mimics sunlight, causing your brain to subconsciously “wake up.” Try reading a book or coloring in an adult coloring book to relax you instead. Avoid doing homework in bed. It’s important to train your brain that your bed is for sleep only, so that as soon as you lay down you’ll become drowsy. Plan for eight hours of sleep each night, and you’ll awake refreshed and energized.

2. Hydrate and Eat Healthy

Drinking a glass of water to begin your morning can help jump-start your metabolism and keep your body hydrated. Carry a cute water bottle with you on campus as a reminder to drink up. Drinking water is a great way to keep your brain alert and functioning properly, not to mention the wonders it does for your skin. When it comes to productivity, fuel is your best friend. What better way to start your day than with a healthy breakfast that will prevent you from mindless snacking during the day, and ensure that you’re awake for those dreaded 8 a.m. lectures?

Try foods like Greek yogurt, oatmeal, or fruit to give your body a healthy boost. Be sure to eat plenty of protein and vegetables throughout the day to keep you from craving empty calories and make you feel good, too. I recommend using the MyPlate app to track what you eat, be on top of your water intake, and log your exercise regimen. The app tracks your daily calorie intake and breaks your diet down into carbs, fat, and protein. Using the app will help you to think consciously about your daily food intake. Eating healthy is a daily challenge, but one that rewards perseverance with good habits and promises to kill your craving for fattening foods. Remember that it’s OK to cheat occasionally. In fact, it can help you to avoid frequent calorie bingeing.

3. Plan a Workout Schedule

Let’s face it, our daily schedules are hectic. Free hours are in short supply, and it’s tempting to skip a workout to spend time with friends or catching up on social media, right? Wrong! Making time to hit the gym even for 20 minutes each day will provide outstanding benefits to your health, sleep, and stress levels. Nothing clears the mind better than a long run or some relaxing yoga. Exercise offers us a break from studies and the endless rush of college life. Make a few attainable fitness goals, and create an action plan. These goals can range from bringing your mile time down 30 seconds, to targeting a certain muscle area, or just dragging your butt to the gym three times per week. Create a daily workout plan with friends, get a cute workout outfit, make a bomb playlist, take a fun fitness class, and shake up your daily grind. Whatever your style, find what works for you, and stick to it. Don’t be afraid to sweat.

4. Be Proactive

The best way to be proactive is to plan ahead. Keep your calendar up to date with your busy spring schedule, and write in pencil in case of changes. Don’t forget to calendar your other extracurricular activities, work, and social commitments. Organizing your week ahead can prevent you from feeling bombarded and overwhelmed. Creating to-do lists on your phone or planner will help keep you organized and productive. Pick a specific day of the week to do your laundry and cleaning and adhere to the schedule.

Schedules become habit and will save you from running seven loads of laundry in one day. Stay ahead of your readings and homework. Take notes while you read so you won’t have to re-read everything before exams, and reach out to your professors if you have any concerns. Profs schedule office hours for a reason and love when students visit them with questions. Remember, profs began as students themselves. One-on-one interaction is impossible in a large lecture hall, so face time is vitally important in building a professional relationship that can only help as finals approach.

5. Create a Routine

Establishing a morning routine is essential to being productive in college. Know how much time it takes you to shower, dress, eat and walk to class, and set your alarm to give you enough time to do it comfortably. If you’re like me, you need ample time to primp and prep as well as guzzle down some morning coffee (the elixir of life), so I give myself a full hour. Pack your backpack with the day’s essentials and set out your clothes the night before. Avoid the temptation to stop at your dorm or house between classes. Use your break times wisely, and devote a portion of each day to studying, to prevent that pre-finals panic. Live by the motto "work hard – play hard."

6. Make Time for Yourself

Don’t forget to take time to just do what you love to do. Whether its running, hiking trails, creating art, visiting the nail salon or taking fun weekend trips with friends, find a way to make it happen. Remember that as you’re going through your daily routine and checking things off your list, life is happening. Don’t miss out on a sunny Saturday afternoon outdoors because you saved all your homework for the weekend. Stay on top of your studies so that you have time to do what makes your soul happy. Get ahead if you want to, knock yourself out!

Try to get into that two hour per day homework habit that gives you guilt-free weekends or evenings. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to do, like learning sign language, or skydiving, or dark-room photography, don’t wait for the opportunity to find you. Seek out the things you’re passionate about, and devote time to what you love. College is all about making memories and finding yourself. Let your choices bring you closer to becoming the best you that you can be.

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