We are officially entering week two of 2019 and with that comes the make or break for some with their New Years resolutions. I am personally a big fan of making resolutions. I feel that with the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next, it allows us a moment to sit down and reflect on ourselves from the past year. With that reflection comes the desires, hopes and goals for ourselves in this new year and I think we all need to check in with ourselves and create new goals every once in a while. Though sticking to these goals and making them more then just a scribbled to-do usually is our downfall.
The other night as I sat down for dinner I overheard a women on the news reporting on all of the long lines at the salad restaurants and abundance of sign ups at the gym. Only for her to say that majority of people who make a resolution only stick to it for two weeks. Hearing this sparked a conversation between myself and my boyfriend as we reflected on the resolutions we have made in the past and the ones that ultimately never lasted. We also talked about the ones that did last and that made me wonder why those worked out versus others. Here are 6 ways that I made my goals last and hopefully they can help make your new years goals and resolutions stick!
Take it one day at a time.
Start small and try not to plan to far ahead. If you make your goal something that feels attainable you will most likely do it versus striving for something that feels like it involves too much of you. For example if your goal is to get in shape or eat healthy start with just today. Plan to get at least 30 minutes of activity in after work, or make sure every couple of hours you've drank so much water. Don't focus on the end goal of working out five times a week... take it day by day and make it easy enough that you will accomplish it!
Make one change at a time.
Do not feel as if you need to go and completely change your entire life in the course of a few days. That may be a little too drastic and intimidating. Research says it takes 21 days to form a habit, a simple one at that. So change one behavior at a time. Drinking a glass of water upon waking up is simple enough and with time you will form that healthy habit. Read a chapter of a book a night. Go for a ten minute walk during your lunch break. Any little positive behavior or goal you'd like to change make it happen everyday but do not overwhelm yourself by taking on too many. When you have too many changes to make there is a good chance you won't stick them all out because they involve changing a behavior. So choose one or two small and after 21 days it should become a new habit!
Have support.
Having someone who you can share your experience with is always helpful. If someone else knows about your resolution you can have someone who can hold you accountable if you start to fall off the wagon, or even someone to vent to. Having someone you an talk to it about allows this change known and when someone else knows, it becomes concrete and real. Also, you can help one another keep track of how well you're doing!
It's all about the mindset.
Making changes and sticking to them aren't always as easy as they seem. There are always going to be setbacks and possible challenges that may result in failing. BUT, that is perfectly FINE as long as you approach these setbacks with the right mindset. Instead of letting the setback be the reason for you to quit or give up, let it be apart of the adventure and let it fuel your focus. If you approach it with a positive outlook/ emotions you will most likely bounce back and continue on. Increase your feelings of control by reflecting which is a major tool in learning. Figure out what it is you did wrong and reexamine your actions to do better. Do not feel inadequate or as if you are a failure, no one is perfect and temptation to stray from our goals are at every corner, do not give up on yourself. Accept, learn, improve, increase feelings of control and move forward!
Keep a journal.
Keeping a journal or logging your day to day can be really helpful. Doing this can allow you to see your journey progress and see what you were feeling/ going through on certain days and even what you have overcome. It can help you stay organized, accountable and even form a plan once you have a regular routine with your new habit. It can even help you to see what you did in times where you need some inspiration or motivation!
Focus on the why.
It's important to focus on why you have set this goal/ resolution. Why are you doing this? You are probably doing this for you. To better yourself. If you are never lose sight of that. This is solely something to make you happier and healthier and that is life goal. It is something I constantly myself had to remember every time I wanted to give up on my weight loss journey. I had to tell myself this isn't just a goal for a month or so, this is a life style change. This is to better my quality of life. This is for all of the 'why's' that I need and want to be happier and healthier. Every 'why' became motivation and a push. If you focus on those it will make striving for your resolution that much easier and driven!