How Can Naloxone Become Cheaper And More Accessible | The Odyssey Online
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We DO Have An Answer To The Growing Crisis Of Opioid Overdoses, It's Just Too Expensive — So What's The Solution?

We need to talk about making Naloxone cheaper in the growing crisis of opioid overdoses.

We DO Have An Answer To The Growing Crisis Of Opioid Overdoses, It's Just Too Expensive — So What's The Solution?

Naloxone is a substance that is strictly able to revive those under opioid overdoses by reversing the effects opioids have on the body.

Known as an antagonist, it can attach to the same receptors as opioids without activating them and — under proper dosage — is able to remove the opioids attached without inducing any other effects on its own. This reverses the effects that an overdose has, in a matter of minutes.

It's also available in a nasal spray known as Narcan. Meaning the lifesaving process for those induced to the point of overdose by the trapdoors of Opioid addiction is elementary in its understanding and can be accessed and implemented quickly.

So here's what you need to know about Naloxone. It helps people cure an overdose, and it can be provided quickly and efficiently. Initially, it may seem like a savior in shining armor for the growing opioid overdose epidemic.

However, it's not all rose gold — the price of it increasing, and fast.

In an age where deaths from opioids have actually been referred to as "a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare" by the NIH. It's crucial that the cure can maintain a level of affordability for people to purchase, otherwise, there isn't much of a cure in the first place.

But here's the truth about the situation — it' not going to be easy to fix. Prices always fluctuate, and that's both a benefit and a downfall of capitalism. But there is one thing that could be done — something to stay somewhat hopeful about.

Competition could help bring it back down.

What's needed now, more than government involvement is a company that wants to make it on the cheap and sell it cheap with high distribution models. Like cheap watches, or pieces of paper. The question isn't when will it be done, but rather, how?

So, I want to ask my readers this: what do you think would make for a proper solution for being able to allow high Naloxone distribution to genuinely happen? I encourage you to comment, and give an answer that I could look into and talk about in coming weeks!

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