On the first day of every year, we make a commitment to following through with a goal or wish for the entire year, or until we achieve our goal. Each year the goal may be different, or ironically, it may be the same. We make a variety of goals, consisting of anything from losing weight, doing better in school, to finding love and happiness, positively impacting the world around us or simply trying something new and outside of our comfort zone.
And every year, around the second or third week of January, we give up on our goals. Sometimes because we feel that they are too difficult, other times, we become lazy and give up on our goal, or simply find ‘more important’ things to do instead.
But why do we give up on our goals, then the following year, make the same exact goals all over again just to give up on them, again and again, a few weeks later?
Is it a habit, no motivation or just pure laziness?
But what if you were to die tomorrow? What if you were to die today? Would you regret the goals you gave up on because, at the time, you thought they were not worth your time and energy?
If we were to live by that thought process, a lot more of the human population would abide by their New Year’s Resolutions than they do now. More of us would stick to our set goals, even if they were found to be difficult because, when it comes down to it, we all want to succeed. And if we were to die tomorrow without even trying to succeed, we would find that we were very disappointed in ourselves. Some people would even find themselves feeling regretful.
Now, let me ask you: this New Year, will you choose your goal wisely? Will you pick something that challenges your mind and everyday habits? Will you strive to create a goal that is difficult, yet attainable with time, strength and commitment? Will you try your best to succeed, instead of the usual, giving up when things get tough?
This year, I urge you to strive to be different and strive to become a better you. I encourage each and every one of you to go out of your way to make someone’s day, be happier and to try things that you normally would not have. I encourage you to continue doing this all year, even when you feel that you could be spending your time doing other, more interesting things.
Lastly, this 2017 think deeply and thoroughly when you feel you want to give up. Remember the regret and disappointment you would feel if you were to die tomorrow without the chance of successfully attaining your goal.
With that in mind, live each day with the possibility that you may not get another tomorrow, and that you may not get another chance to start over.
Happy New Year!
May this year be the best year yet.