Everyone knows that this has been one of the most controversial elections of our lifetimes. Most people are very passionate and opinionated about the candidate they chose. Some people didn't even know who to vote for because they didn't feel like either one should represent our country. Others voted for the lesser of two evils. In light of all the stress, heartbreak, and anger this election has caused, here are some memes of the argumentatively most iconic presidential duo's of all time.
Not everyone deserves the wifi password.
His next idea will be to burn down the White House.
Joe is trying to make it the danger zone before Trump moves in.
4.Admit it guys, you've all been in similar situations.
How nice of Joe, so thoughtful.
Joe with the puns.
7.He's always taking others needs into consideration.
Joe was trying to be nice before but now his true feelings are coming out.
Raise of hands, how many want to see this actually happen?
10.He's always down for a prank.
Too bad they can't stay for another 8...
12.Obama always has to keep Biden under control.
He's might not be wrong...
14.How many time-outs do you think Obama has given Biden recently?
Well, Joe's heart is going to be broken on January 20th.
16.It was nice until it wasn't.
Greatest bromance of all time.
He's secretly terrified of Trump.
So punny.
Don't we all wish someone had the same amount of love for us as Biden does for Obama?
Uh oh, Joe caught the feels.
Not for much longer...unfortunately.
23.Let him do it Obama. Please just let him do it.
It's like Biden is Obama's son and he's about to get a new step dad.
Is there anyone as cool as Joe is in these memes? Nope didn't think so.
Biden is basically Obama's son.
He's not going to settle.
Don't let the memes end, America needs them.