Making Friends Online Helped Deal With My Depression | The Odyssey Online
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Making Friends Online Helped Deal With My Depression

The conversations don’t feel cheapened just because you can’t hear them say the words out loud. But these conversations are what helped me be the person I am.

Making Friends Online Helped Deal With My Depression
Anakaren Gutierrez

We grow up with our parents nagging “don’t talk to strangers online” talk. And I get it, the online world is a scary place. If you’re not careful you could end up on shady sites surrounded by strange content and strange people. But, through the years, their advice only seemed to dull and shove itself further and further into the back of my mind. Truth is, I couldn’t be more grateful that I ignored the first bit of advice I ever received.

My first semester of college was a tough time for me. As a natural homebody, I was never away from home for longer than a week. The constant familiarity of having those who I’ve known my whole life not being there made the space around me feel cold. I missed the home cooked meals and the comfort of my bed.

Even as a tight-knit family, we never had conversations on an emotional level but I still missed what I had. I never really told anyone in my family, how and why I was feeling a certain way. My feelings only grew and suddenly I was diagnosed with depression. I thought college would provide me with the freedom I needed to find that voice I was missing, and it did in a way, just not the way I thought it would.

I made some amazing friends during my first year. My first roommate was a gem and held me together during some of my toughest times. I found people I could trust and talk to about anything, but I always felt I was still missing a certain connection.

And that’s when I took to the internet. I had never been much of a social media person before that. It was always just there for me, and I never cared for it. But I took a chance and put myself out there.

I have met so many beautiful and amazing people online. I met people with similar goals, dreams, and aspirations as me. We shared the same interests and talked to great depths about the things we cared about. I learned about different cultures when befriending those from another country. We planned things together, met up at concerts throughout the country. I felt so at home and it made me forget about the depression I had been battling through.

For many, these friendships can be considered inauthentic, because you never get to see the other individual on the other side of the screen. But I have spent so much time with them that I consider them to be some of my closest friends and consider them to be just as real friends.

The conversations don’t feel cheapened just because you can’t hear them say the words out loud. But these conversations are what helped me be the person I am. Through them, I became more confident in myself and my ability to share my interests with the world and with those who already know me.

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