Now a days, depending on what you want to do for a living you're going to have to start early and really I'm talking about even before you go to college which most people don't realize or know.
Even if you didn't start until you were in college its not to late, like for me for example I want to be a politician when I get older, I did somethings in high school to let people know that I was interested in that for a career, but not really as much as I could've done but since I have been in college just finished my freshman year. I was able to actually travel because I was apart of SGA (Student Government Association) and also being a Political Science major, as of today I have been to D.C. twice while in college both for the same reason which was AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) which is a Pro-Israel lobby and is trying to help build a bond between America and Israel. Which is a pretty cool conference to attend you get to meet people of all religions mostly jewish from not just all over America but from other countries as well which is the best part in my opinion, also while getting to speak to political officials who believe in the Pro-Israel cause both republicans and democrats.
The whole time at the conference you learn about how you can help build an AIPAC team on your campus which would give it more awareness on college campuses and also keep the spread of anti-Israel beliefs from starting up which isn't really a problem on my campus but some of the bigger schools it holds more of a problem with not just students but with professors as well which is not okay even if you don't believe in the pro-Israel cause.
The reason I wanted to get involved is because african americans and Jews have a lot in common with the way that in history both have been treated by being discriminated against, beaten, raped and killed. Which shouldn't be how anybody should be on this earth, I will admit i'm not completely down with the cause but I'm still learning about everything and how it effects me and how i can help.
I am Jordan Russell a Sophomore at Kentucky State University from Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Black People, Stop Saying The N-Word Or Stop Getting Upset When Other People Use It