I would like to preface this by saying that I am a liberal college student.
I am a liberal college student who goes to college with a whole bunch of other liberal college students. That being said, I want to admit something to all of you: this whole Donald Trump thing is terrifying me. Sure, when I am on campus good ol’ Donny is nothing more than a joke. A summer squash with very small thumbs, if you will. Yet whenever I pull open my Facebook page I see dozens of videos of Trump supporters and it makes my blood run cold.
Donald Trump running for president scares me because, although my generation hates him, I can not say much for previous generations. They see his vulgar speeches where he degrades women, people of color and disabled people and yet they are still cheering him on. Oh, but of course, “He speaks his mind!” Let me tell you my friends, it is not difficult to speak your mind. Babies learn how to speak their minds from the moment they are born. Hence the reason they cry when they poop themselves. Donald Trump’s entire campaign has sounded exactly like that.
I am scared because the lack of good Republican candidates (sorry Cruz) has caused a rift in this country. People are angry. People are angry for reasons that I understand. But, tell me how Trump could possibly be the answer? Tell me when an angry white man with a potty mouth has been the answer to anything. The GOP loves to bring up Ronald Reagan every chance they get. If Trump is the next Reagan, then I’m the next Robert De Niro.
I am afraid of Donald Trump’s potential presidency because I am a college student working towards my undergraduate and eventually graduate’s degree. Yet, to him my worth is based off of whether or not I am deemed to be attractive. I am afraid of Donald Trump’s potential presidency because he is fueling this country’s fire of hatred. I see it everywhere: social media, the news, out in public, etc. I am afraid because he has thousands of supporters that hang onto every word out of his mouth. Donald Trump is a liar. He knows how to manipulate people. He knows exactly what to say to get a reaction out of people.
When Donald Trump announced his candidacy, we all thought it was a joke. We acted like the Great Pumpkin from Charlie Brown decided to run for president. But now his campaign is as strong as ever, and I grow more and more anxious with each passing day.