In my daily mindless scrolling of Instagram this past week #livinguptothatMillennialRep, I came across a video that made me absolutely laugh out loud. Although it was not the best timing for me to stumble upon it, being in a library with the obligatory old-woman-who's-main-purpose-in-paroosing-the-library-being-to-"shhh"-people's-verbalized-hopes-and-joys, it was perfect timing for this video rant to come out.
link to video:
We all have seen this trend of makeup tutorials across our Instagram and YouTube feeds. Even if we do not seek them out, they randomly appear; seemingly everywhere (especially if we have roommates who are mild makeup tutorial addicts). The entertaining thing about many of these tutorials is that, too often, it is women who actually do not know how to use these beauty products that are making the videos. This can be entertaining in many ways, but, to be dead honest, I believe it's good on them for doing so. Way to put yourself out there, Elizabeth! Many of these videos are also being created by professional transvestites; which, according to my "hypothetical" mildly addicted roommate, are actually the ones best to follow because they really know their stuff.
Either way, the point is, we get it. Makeup is great! Makeup is pretty and so fun to do! And oh my stars, you sure do look great doing it! Good job!! ... This is where Brooke Montierth's video rant comes in.
This young mom from Arizona hits the nail on the head as she shares her real feelings about this current internet trend. After having a laugh watching her rant (and then a few more as I watched it a few more times), I saw the underlying truth within her entertaining message. Why are makeup tutorials such a big craze right now? Are creators of these videos placing themselves above those who don't do their makeup in the same way, or those who are too busy to spend that much time on makeup?
To these questions, my reply is simple: For real? Why are we, the youth of today, spending such large portions of our time on things so vain and meaningless? Don't get me wrong, I definitely am a fan of sprucing things up and looking nice . Yeah, it makes me feel better to color in the eyebrows of my poor Tabula Rasa of a ginger face! Even an old barn needs new paint here and there. But, to so many people, it has become too much. When anything as fleeting and undefinable as beauty becomes your baseline definition for your personal feeling of worth or happiness, it is dangerous, it is wrong, and it is not lasting.
I call upon you beautiful people to seek for something greater. I bless you to not compare yourselves to others, but to make yourself your own! Find the joy in life, even on the days that your eyebrows are not on point! And as you chase hungrily after the things that really are meaningful in life, I pray you find them. Whether in a painted face or going all natural, seek to find the real, deepest happiness that life has to offer, and do not give up until you taste it.