Why Makeup Shaming Needs To Stop | The Odyssey Online
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Why Makeup Shaming Needs To Stop

Nobody should feel guilty about something they love.

Why Makeup Shaming Needs To Stop

I have zero shame in saying that one of my favorite parts of the day is putting on makeup. Deciding on a specific eye look makes my heart flutter and choosing the perfect lip color feels extremely satisfying. There is nothing wrong with the fact that makeup brings me (and plenty of others) immense happiness. And yet so many people are quick to judge and criticize those that wear makeup.

This phenomenon called “makeup shaming” has rapidly grown within the past decade. Individuals are sometimes condemned for wearing too much makeup while others are looked at negatively for appearing different with makeup on. There are posts scattered across the internet that openly denounce those who fall into either or both of these categories. In any case, these various forms of criticism happen to be ridiculous.

As a girl who loves experimenting with different looks and various products, I tend to apply a significant amount of makeup almost daily. I will also be the first to admit that I look completely different with makeup on as opposed to a bare face. But the most important question is why are any of these problems actually problems? Just because an individual wears eyeshadow does not mean they are trying to deceive anyone. Maybe that person liked the color of the eyeshadow or maybe it complemented their eyes or maybe (just maybe) they wanted to wear it for fun. Whatever the case may be I (nor anyone else) should be criticized for having a hobby that happens to be enjoyable.

Just how sports or art can be important to many people, makeup could potentially be a significant part of someone’s life. For many YouTubers such as Kathleen Lights and Nikkietutorials, beauty products have propelled them to fame. On a much smaller scale, makeup has the ability to empower, inspire, and the opportunity to relate to others. After years of experimenting with eyeliner and foundation I now feel more confident in the way I look both with and without makeup on. This is due to the fact that makeup has taught me that no matter how much I cover myself in different products I am still the same person. Just because I may be wearing a bold lip color one day and nothing the next will not in any way change me from the sarcastic girl I am on the inside. On another note, I have seen makeup artists and average people produce amazing looks that in turn influence others to be creative. The amount of different ways makeup can potentially be used continues to grow as do the ideas of each creator. And there is no better example of the bond makeup generates between beauty bloggers and their followers. So many individuals find comfort in watching such videos and share their common love of makeup with fellow fans and creators.

The concept behind makeup is completely harmless. The majority of makeup-goers just want to take part in something they love without being looked down upon for it. So instead of judging that person for wearing false eyelashes at the supermarket, tell them how awesome they look and wait for a smile in return.

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