The list of reasons why people wear makeup is endless. Do I need to say it again? It’s endless. Covering imperfections? Yeah sure. Boosting confidence? Totally. Self expression? Hell yes! At this point in time, makeup isn’t necessarily about making yourself look more ‘beautiful.’ It’s about showing the world what you want them to see, not what they want to see.
My grandma would love to see my bare face without any makeup on it. So would my mom. Hell, maybe my dad wants that too, but he’s smart so he doesn’t mention it in front of me. My mother and grandmother seem to be under the impression that I don’t like my own face. They’re wrong! I have no problems my face! They comment on my complexion and ask why I choose to cover it almost every day, and what they don’t understand is that I have a nice complexion because I devote a lot of time to making sure my face is well taken care of. If it’s not properly cleansed, exfoliated and moisturized, the art that I make on my face every day won’t turn out the way I want it to.
That’s right. I called it art. I’ve always been artistic, but for the longest time, I had convinced myself that I had no artistic abilities. I can’t draw or paint, and ceramics have never been my style. I enjoy playing with colors, and since I don’t know how to put it down on paper, I found a different type of canvas, and it’s a canvas I understand perfectly. I know my bone structure. I know what colors make my eyes look brighter than the New Mexico sky. I can do my eyeliner with lines so sharp it can slice all the haters in half.
Honestly, I’m surprised by how many makeup haters there are in the world right now. You would think that with the feminist movement in full swing, people would be fine with makeup. But somehow, even though I love makeup very much, I sometimes find myself wondering if my love for it makes me a bad feminist. I shouldn’t have to wonder about that! I know I’m a good feminist. The real problem is that somewhere along the line, everyone got this idea in their heads that if a person wears makeup, they are ashamed of their own face. So we maybe accidentally started promoting this message that if you truly loved yourself, then you would take your makeup collection and lock it away, never to be seen again. I’m going to say this one last time, "Makeup is a form of self expression. You don’t have to be ashamed to wear makeup. It is entirely possible to love yourself and still wear makeup."
So if you’re a hater, pay close attention to this next part because this is where I get to the point of my article, "It is not your place to judge." You don’t know the story behind why someone is wearing makeup. Maybe they’ve got a huge zit that they want to cover up, maybe it just makes them happy to put it on in the morning. Maybe you don’t agree with the amount of makeup they wear, maybe you think that they shouldn’t be wearing makeup because they are a man. It’s none of your damn business. They wear makeup for themselves, not you. Let them live their life the way they want to and find something better to do with your time.