Today I want to talk to all of you about makeup and judgmental individuals. Let me start off by saying that makeup is a CHOICE that anyone can make. So if you're that person reading this and thinks people wear makeup because they're "ugly" lets just throw that out the window now. As I like to say makeup enhances what is already there. It would be understandable to believe that if you're reading this you think I am going to talk about makeup and how women handle it. You're wrong. I am going to talk about makeup yes but with men. Not with women. I don't know if everyone has come to terms with this but yes men do wear makeup. Men in movies, TV shows etc .. wear makeup. A man DOES NOT have to be gay in order to wear makeup. Adding to that you also shouldn't ASSUME a man who wears makeup is gay. Males should be able to wear makeup without judgement. Makeup has no gender. Deal with it.
1. Why Can't We All Slay?
Not all makeup artist are women. Personally I know I see a lot of men (or women whatever your pronouns are) slaying on Instagram. Contouring and highlighting better the next female MUA (Make-Up Alley) ever could. Don't underestimate them because of their body parts. When was there ever a rule or law that stated ONLY females were allowed to wear makeup? I believe that everyone has a right, male and female. Just because there are people in the world that never want to see the good in anything or want to play the religion card doesn't mean they can make others feel uncomfortable for embracing themselves.
2. Cyber Bullies
We all hate them but hey they exists sadly. Cyber bullies are people that hide behind their computer screens. I would say people in the LGBT community are one group of people that know them pretty well. For the gay males out there I would say shake them off ! There so many males of the GBT community that are open to listening and giving advice on the cyber bullying you might be going through. Go find your inspiration. Look through Instagram, Facebook maybe even YouTube and see how your idols don't let anything get to them. There are many hateful people out there but the doors are opening for you. They have been opened because the people before you have fought for them. Embrace them, get yourselves those opportunities and SLAY!
The best advice I will always give someone is be yourself. Society has many expectations for people but who cares. Live your life the way you want to. I hope my article has at least changed one persons mind on how they look at men wearing makeup. Hey ladies maybe you can learn a thing or two from them that you never knew. Think about it.