To boys who think that girls wear makeup to impress them:
I wear a full-face of makeup often, maybe even almost everyday, and I have also never picked up a makeup brush for a boy. I do not sit over 30 minutes in front of the mirror applying product on my face to look any better to you specifically. I do it because I enjoy it. The money I have spent on collecting products and the time I spend on applying the products has nothing to do with making a good impression on anyone else. I do not find myself ugly without makeup on. I am not self-conscious, high-maintenance, or fake. I just spend time on a hobby that involves my appearance.
Girls that wear makeup are labeled "cake face" too often. We are automatically seen as disloyal and untrustworthy for absolutely no reason.
When did makeup become a tool for lying? If a man does not have an ideal body to me, and wears a shirt that hides these characteristics, I do not believe he is a liar. I have the freedom to put what I want on my face according to my own will. I do not wear foundation because I am scared you will see my acne. I do not put mascara on because I am scared you will think my eyelashes are too short.
I do so because I find it enjoyable, and if you are that judgmental of my human flaws that every single person has, than that's your problem, not mine. What makes you believe that you are entitled to dictate how I think of myself? If you judge me or my character based on what I apply to my face, you are clearly judging the book by its cover, and we have all been told not to do that since elementary school.
The powder covering my face does not mean I am trying to cover my personality. I am not hiding who I am. I like collecting makeup, applying it, and looking how I want with it on. I am embracing a hobby I enjoy to impress myself, not you. So that next time you want to label me a "cake face," remember that I have a sweet tooth and enjoy cake, and you will not stop me from doing so.